• Add Notes to pallares and presets like you can add notes to cues

    On location film sets I often have to match a color on the fly to a practical fixture. I’d love a place to put some notes about why I recorded this particular color that gives more details than I can fit on a label (especially if the label ends up on...
  • Post Go To Cue in the command history.

    That's all. Would love for command history to show go to cue commands.
  • Force a Line Break or Line Wrap for Cue Notes

    Consistent with the use of the double pipe || and/or copy/paste in Nomad, having the ability to force a line break for Cue Notes.
  • Add "only adresses" or "preserve database" checkbox when merging patch

    Hi, on tour, it would be usefull to merge patch file from a venue made by electricians in a show without deleting database information from channels. I found a way to do it. in advanced merging , i change target of new patch on dummy channels, then, in...
  • Icon Scaling for Target Keys

    With making the icons bigger pushing it to centre doesn't increase the scale size of the icon it would still remain at its maximum size. Would there be a scope to add a scaling option to make the entire button the icon? Much like when you boot an apex...
  • Always display DMX Grid in Patch>Patch

    I often want to look at DMX usage per universe before making a choice about patch actions. Since the space is otherwise just a blank screen, it would be nice if the DMX grid is always be displayed and navigable in Patch>Patch even when no channel is selected...
  • HOME HOME to send fixture to home setting

    I was changing profiles on a dozen movers the other day and found myself double tapping the HOME button when done as if I was putting a light to full. Thought this might be a good feature as I have never entered anything else when sending a fixture to...
  • aRFR Mobile App

    Please make it so pressing the Lable/Note button pops up a virtual keyboard.
  • Import .txt Softkey for Macro Contents

    Direct Macro Import Request : Suggesting an 8th softkey in Macro Contents context for direct import of macro contents into Eos. This feature would allow saving, storing, and importing macros outside the Eos file structure. Current Process...
  • Effect controls in ML controls

    We have rate and size on the physical encoders, but what about boards that don't have physical encoders? Would be nice to also have rate and size in ML controls so that they could be adjusted more easily.