Feature and improvement suggestions

Feedback from users like you help us shape and improve Eos for all productions. We receive a large number of feature requests and suggestions from many sources, including this forum. Your comments and votes help us understand which features you’re passionate about, but there are many additional factors which inform development prioritization for any given release.

The most helpful information you can provide us when commenting on issues is how a particular suggestion would help you. If you describe your use-case and how the suggested change would benefit your work, it lets us gain a much deeper understanding of the need behind the suggestion. Suggestions often have an impact on what we work on, even if we ultimately choose not to implement a suggestion exactly as it’s described. Our ultimate goal is to understand what you and all users need and to create solutions that meet those needs. Occasionally, that’ll mean implementing a suggestion as described, but it usually means working to understand the need behind the suggestion and how we can meet that need for as many users as possible.

While we endeavor to update and respond to popular suggestions, the volume we receive means there will be occasions when we can’t provide an update or response in a timely manner. For bugs and show-critical issues, please use our standard forums and support structures: https://www.etcconnect.com/Contact/Technical-Support.aspx

  • Change BPM manually and have "Learn_Time_Sample_BPM" apply for ALL active and nonactive effects I select

    I'd like to be able to change the BPM and/or Rate of any effect, whether or not it is currently active. This would be extremely helpful for busking so I would be able to know the next Effect I use will match the current tempo. ( Photo from V3.2.5 B13...
  • IRFR/ARFR Smart Watch Expansion

    • 1 Comment
    I think it would be really helpful to have an apple watch (or other smart watch) extension of IRFR that displayed small bits of information for noting shows. My initial conception would be a Master Playback Status display with cue labels. Im sure there...
  • Feature Request: Copying or creating a new fixture in Fixture editor should automatically select new fixture

    When making a copy of an existing fixture or creating a new fixture in the fixture editor that fixture should be automatically selected in the editor. Current behavior is that the new/copied fixture is created but the currently selected fixture remains...
  • Sending OSC command to designated ports

    • 1 Comment
    It should possible to send an OSC command, e.g. of a Magic Sheet to a designated and configured ports. Some examples: udp:8001:/opta/relay=1 tcp:4707:/opta/relay=0 It would helpful to it with magic sheet command buttons also with String execution...
  • Support Displaying Non Manual Level in Magic Sheets

    Macro command `Display_Non_Manual_Level` does not affect magic sheets, but it would be very useful if it did.
  • Submaster property that will ignore [StopEffect]

    As a (frightfully common) example, haze is run from a submaster with an effect. I'll put the sub up and forget about it and off we'll go cueing. Hours later we'll get to the cue with the simple request "and here all the effects will stop." Easy enough;...
  • add ENABLE/DISABLE XYZ and FLIP in macro editor

  • Use native OS file explorer

    I find the file explorer built into EOS to be a bit clunky and to lack the view and sorting features of the native Mac or windows file explorer. Can we have the option to use the built in explorer instead? Thanks!
  • Store More Complex Data In Timecode Clocks

    Hello, Recording fader moves is a staple of time-coded light design and Eos can't record them. It's absolutely impossible in this software. The problem is that it's an event list. That the biggest problem. It needs to be a timeline with x and y, not...
  • Pixelmaps

    Missing snakewise as option to address pixels. Many of my led matrixes are manufactuered in a snakewise pattern. But this option is missing in the configuration options for pixelmaps.