• Linear Effect Scale Data

    It would be great to be able to enter (+)#% or /# values in the scale box for linear effects. This would assist in creating linear effects that are relative to the intensity. That way we could change a channels intensity on the fly without having to adjust...
  • Ability to check an adress at 50% and patch it

    Hi, miss a behaviour from Cobalt, It will be really usefull to check an adress at wanted level and patch it and tap [NEXT] key to send the next adress at the same value .
  • Integrate the CongoJR masterwing in the wing park.

    I know I sm faaaaar out on the wishing here, and the wing only worked with the JR on the Cobalt/Congo desks. With that said I will wish for a way to use the CongoJR Mater Fader Wing with Eos. Somehow it should be possible to get them to talk to each...
  • channel-level go to cue

    • 1 Comment
    I often need to make a change in blind (or a bunch of changes in a range of cues) but we'll also be running long cues or multipart cues or have some other reason we can't do a global go-to-cue. That reason could be we're flying through cues and making...
  • Constants in absolute effects

    Currently I can assign a variable as a timing for an absolute effect but if I do so I can no longer adjust the cycle time of the effect. I would like to propose the idea of a constant for timing that can be defined and is unchanged if I change the cycle...
  • Updating parts

    The syntax like "Update part 2 through cue 178" gives an error. Currently it seems like such a cue update requires two steps, update through cue 178, then in blind putting those lights into part 2 in the current cue. Would be awesome to specify a part...
  • record augmented snapshots records the visible state of each augmented element

    Hello, it would be convenient to get different augmented snapshots with different augmented visible elements (for exemple, only stage and pipes for the working time, then the whole venue for the show time, or get snapshots for different sets)
  • Using Thru to define Flexi View Channels doesn't respect current Flexi mode

    3.1.1, but also 3.0 Live tab currently in Flexi Active, some non-consequitive channels are on, e.g. Chan 1+5. Chan 1 Thru 5 ViewChannels Live tab with new Flexi mode active shows channels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. i expected to see channels 1 and 5. when defining...
  • PSD notes window refinement

    • 1 Comment
    Would be lovely to have the Notes window a bit more elegant; make the note stand out more from the cue number and label in front. Sometimes it’s hard to seperate the two at a glance. also, have the font size and pending cue toggle live somewhere on...
  • Cue Time x Replace With y

    We would like a feature to be able to select a range of cues and take any that are x and replace with y. Example: Cue 1 time 4.9, Cue 2 time 3, Cue 3 time 4.9, Cue 4 time 9, Cue 5 time 4.9 Syntax: Cue 1 thru 5 time 4.9 Replace With 8 Result: Cue 1 time...