• Capture GLTF fixture extension support.

    • Under Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I would like that A3D can read the extra data that Capture 2020 put in there GLTF files so XYZ and fixture data can sync. for import of stages with lights made in Capture 2020
  • Generic Blinder

    • Coming Soon on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello, would it be possible for you to add a generic blinder, just with an intensity that would have the same dim curve as a blinder, and would function the same? I tried adding one in but it just put in an LED.
  • Imported objects as FPE points

    • Under Review on
    It would be nice to add the ability to use imported objects, as FPE and reference points. Use case is as follows: On a stage with multiple sets, to make importing aligning sets with spotting plans easier the 0,0,0 point of the model is set to the corner...
  • Fader Configuration Defaults

    • Planned for Future on
    Creating a softkey that loads a default fader configuration for the selected fader, submaster, cuelist, or Global FX. (buttons/faders, width and other properties like sub/culist timing. This default should be configurable on a User basis. I find it cumbersome...
  • Selecting a MS channel object and typing a channel shouldn't throw an error message.

    • Under Review on
    I can select magic sheet channel objects one at a time and Eos will automatically insert a plus between them. If I select a magic sheet channel object and then type a channel, it gives the error message "Error: Channel list is empty". I can't tell you...
  • Stick Beams and Fixture Labels not as useful as hoped

    • Under Review on
    Hi, Augmented is not as useful as I hoped at answering the question: "what is the bright spot downstage left" particularly on large shows. 1) There should be an option for channel number labels to be displayed at the floor, rather than the middle...
  • Changing the Keyboard Shortcuts

    • Under Review on
    • 1 Comment
    It would be really nice if you could change the keyboard-shortcuts, so that every user can have its own individual keyboard shortcut arrangement. It then would also be very cool, if you had access to the bumb, go and load buttons of a real console....
  • XYZ scaled focus pallets

    Focus pallets set by type to XYZ Scaled. these are then set in a relation to the FPE points. for example 4 points in a 10m box and a focuse position with light 1 in 8m/1m/1m and light 2 at -8m/1m/1m move the 4 points for the new venue and new size...
  • Aim for Movers

    • Planned for Future on
    It would be great if we could use Aim with movers to orient them in the space. I have a show already programmed and am building an Augment3d space around it. I have a test focus palette and would love to be able to put all my movers in that focus palette...
  • Use camera as Color reference

    • Under Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Spending a lot of time to get my colorpalettes accurate thru different fixtures, I was thinking there should be a way to automate that process. The color estimation of eos (for “unknown” fixtures) is not bad but far away from perfect. That is because...