• Could the A3d import window let us map a user field to Edge so we can set that in VW?

    Because, at the moment, merging in A3d is an all or nothing affair in patch, I think many of us will be using the import method as opposed to importing in an existing Augemented rig. That means trying to get the VW export as detailed as possible, to leave...
  • Change multiple levels in an absolute effect proportionally at once (Aka be able to scale an absolute effect like a linear effect)

    So say I’m trying to do a fire intensity flicker effect with absolute effects. I have 8 actions and I set my background as my high point. Every other action is a percentage below that background level. I like this method because it gives me maximum...
  • Feature Request - Ability to lock a Fader wing to a fader page

    Hi I currently have a workaround Which is working fine, not probably a big thing for theatre users but for us TV LD’s it would be super useful option. I have on our IonXE a 20 non-motorised wing for subs for our main set which I always need instant...
  • Custom Fixture format/ label options.

    Allow new or edits of fixtures to be whatever label we give it and allow us to pick in what sequence they appear in ML controls. Also should it should now be fixure controls because many are not moving lights. Also can these fixure controls be a pop...
  • "Release" for Parameters in Lamp Control

    ATM there are only options to set values for a time or on hold If a parameter is on hold it is persistent till a restart or overwriting with another hold value. It would be very usefull to have a Release option in Lamp Control
  • Submaster User Assignment

    Request: Make Submasters user assignable. Any submaster input from a user other than the assigned one is ignored or reset. Use: Multi console/user programming in different areas. This would be useful for film/tv, festivals and trade shows. Each programmer...
  • "Manual mode". Allow multiple cues from 1 list loaded to separate faders at same time.

    You apply cue 1/1 , 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 to multiple sequential faders for true manual playback. Then unload when you want to move on. No subs, no presets, no work arounds tried them all. Too slow for Film/TV world.
  • "Out" should be Always Absolute

    I do a lot of work with Intensity Palettes, and sometimes I accidentally overwrite the data. If the Out command were Always Absolute, it might help prevent that. If I wanted to keep the palette reference, I could use "@ 00" instead.
  • Tab Gear

    Closing the Tab options should also work with another klick of the gear symbol.
  • Virtual Crossfade Parameter

    When working with hybrid/tunable white fixtures, it can be preferable to control the color with Intensity + Crossfade channel instead of Intensity + Warm + Cool. Often, the controller does not have a control mode to do this. A virtual crossfade would...