• RPU backlit buttons als light when assigned as "hard key".

    I have a request for the backlit buttons on the RPU. When I make a macro witch exists on the RPU buttons, that button is backlit. But when I choose a hard key (for example: Live) that button is not backlit. Is it possible to also backlit the "hard...
  • Can Highlight Rem Dim support more than just intens

    Currently the highlight rem dim level / preset only affects intens. It would be great if it can also affect other params, like the lowlight preset can. If I'm highlighting one fixture, I would like every other fixture to go dim and blue, not just dim...
  • Aug3D- Flexi

    Hey All... I'm sure this is not a new question, but are there any plans to make FLEXI views work in Aug3D? (Or should they - if I select flexi with Aug3D in focus, I get the options, but nothing changes and they don't stick) Ta, Rob.
  • GIO und Augment3d

    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit Augment3d mit der GIO zu verwenden
  • Display mode: Left Align in Command History

    A small thing, but I'd prefer to view my command history left aligned rather than centered. I would also like to make the Mode right aligned so on the whole the complete command flow more naturally to my eye. Any chance of adding a setting to that...
  • Wand use in ETC app

    I connect my ipad to the RPU but I can’t use the wand because Augment 3d is running in a Thether PC. can this be solved in the future? Thanks
  • Tabs for browser

    use tabs to open the drop down lists instead of only drop down list. Colour highlights and File path really aren't visual enough to prevent merging or saving into wrong files. A nice big tab will make it very clear when you are in Save, or open or Merge...
  • Query Mark/Marking working with Automark

    • 1 Comment
    Hello dear ETC-People, it would be so nice to have "Query Mark/Marking" working with Automark enabled. Please / Thx!
  • A3D Indication of Shutter Blades

    It would be great in Augment3D to show which shutter is which. Perhaps this is a letter indication on the selected light, showing on a surface or at the focus level of the light? I think ideally it would be a setting like Sticks, and settable per user...
  • NDI input

    the ability to input NDI fields and add to pixel maps.