• Apply Range of Effects to Range of Lights

    • 1 Comment
    Hi, I would like to be able to type channel x thru y effect a thru b to apply a different effect to each channel that I can then edit in the effects editor. This would be a nice addition since you guys don’t make the effects channels tab easily accessible...
  • "Extention" for Group-Building?

    "Extention" for Group-Building First: I can´t post it in the "What is your idea?"-Part, so i post it here.. My wish: I can create a group via: Stay in Group Tab. Give in the Syntax: Submaster/Color-Focus-...Palette copy to Group XY, Enter Then i will...
  • iPad Magic Keyboard with iRFR

    Currently, the iRFR app does not with with the iPad Air/pro Magic Keyboard from apple. It would be nice if the keyboard could run the app similarly to how it would work on a computer running ETCNomad. With this, the ability to label cues in the app would...
  • Only see Data from P9 and lower

    • 1 Comment
    Hey there, I'd like to see everything but Data from a P10 Submaster. In my busking show I created a kind of blueout look. It's a calm preset when the band stops playing. This preset is on a submaster with Priority P10. While in real life they can only...
  • Data latched for specific displays

    It would be great to be able to latch data on a specific channel view or magic sheet. I don't think this is currently possible.
  • [FR] Zooming in on the AR image in iRFR

    Could you add the possibility to zoom in on the AR image in the iRFR? On a light bridge it might be too crowded to do a good selection. (Or my fingers are too fat...)
  • [FR] Improve handling of XYZ movement on same axys as fixture

    Given you have two cues that contain two focus palettes in xyz mode and those focus palettes happen to put the lights in the same y axys as the hanging positions of the fixtures. The moment the light needs to flip around to reach the other position, does...
  • I wish the A3d units setting was in the A3d section of Patch

    I'm sure this was debated, for me personally, I wish I could change between Metric, Feet/In, etc in the same screen where I'm working with Position and Orientation data. That is where those numbers matter the most and where I most realize I want to be...
  • EXECUTE on fader level..

    On FADER CONFIG I would like to be able to set a EXECUTE action on specific fader level; From Down to UP: choose level fader value, ex.. 57% and set = execute..OSC message/MAcroxx/sub/ From Up to Down: choose level fader value, ex.. 44% and set =...
  • Feature Request: Preserve Group when moving channels in Patch

    • 1 Comment
    I have a Group 1, which contains Channel 1>100. I go into Patch and type Chan 4 Move To Chan 5. Now Group 1 contains Chan 1>3 5>100. I understand why the console does this, but it would be nice to have some kind of group-by-group option to lock...