• Possibility to use Parameter View's function in a macro

    Hello I talk about the Parameter View's fonction in Live Tab : when you hold on the Parameter's button and you click on a parameter in the CIA. You can learn it in a macro but when you execute it, It doesn't work. What's in the macro : "Parameter_View...
  • User Delegations in Eos Family

    Hey there! I am a 15 year old Lighting Programmer, everyday, I am learning something new, and I have learned more recently about unwanted changes to an Augment3d model and cue lists. Currently, our high school is doing a theatre production and we had...
  • Auditioning output in Live

    Bear with me because this is a 2 part request- Many times the CLT or the DP want to audition several channel changes at once. Typically its a request something like- "Ch 1 @ 80, Ch 2 @ 65 and Ch 3@ full... Now A/B that." I haven't found a good way...
  • Feature Request A3D - Show Only Selected Lights in Patch

    When working in A3D it seems like sometimes it would be useful to toggle off all the lamps in A3D except what you are working on. So that it is easier to view the lamp you are working on, particularly with conventional focus
  • moving lights shutters auto orientation on the display encoder graphic!

    Sorry for my English writing : i am french am i the only one that looks for the right shutter to move ? I guess it would be possible (because with augmented eos know my spot orientation) that the graphic with the shutters ABC and D appears in a...
  • Have unpatched channels interact with Flexi and Chan Check

    As I've been playing around, something that's been a little annoying is how "unpatched channels" for the purpose of Augment3d interact with Flexi States and Chan Check. I would love to see support for channels that have a type and position but no address...
  • Augment3d to Vectorworks?

    Is it possible to export eos or augment3d data to vectorworks? Would make things easy when you are developing a plot inside Eos.
  • Macro Display OSC

    • 1 Comment
    I would like the macro display have an outbound OSC argument assigned to it. I think it would really be helpful put on an OSC display panel what the macro display is actaully doing. It can be similar in nature to the cmd display, with its own argument...
  • Is there any way to make other objects invisible?

    I was thinking it would be great to be able to make other objects "one-way-mirror" style, like the walls. I have curtain legs and it would be good to be able to see through them on a side view. Is this possible, or possible on a later version? Edit...
  • Moving Light Tracking With Augment3d

    It would be amazing to have the functionality to be able to do moving light tracking with Augment3d. This is possible to do right now but I have an idea about how you could make it better. It would be amazing to be able to have a tool that could automatically...