• Pan/Tilt Inverts Should Be Enable/Disable-able in Macros

    • 1 Comment
    You can indeed toggle Pan/Tilt inverts in Macros currently, but you currently cannot do this predictably! I.E. in the macro editor you cannot Type: [Invert_Tilt] [Enable] [Enter] and it only Enable, if this is performed on a fixture that already has...
  • Per Direct Select Double Click

    Instead of Direct Select Double Click being a device option having it as a per direct select option would make it a lot easier to start bringing it into workflow. Unfortunately, right now it's a very dangerous option to have enabled (One fat finger...
  • Tombstone Colors

    I'm new, so there's probably a way to do this, or a way to do something similar, but I would like to change the tombstone channel colors. I used to tape up my old Express which made it really easy to see what area a light was for and what color gel was...
  • Battery saving function.

    • 1 Comment
    Battery saving function. On set you often want to safe battery time on your different battery power fixtures. A single function than bring them all down in intensity and back to three last state. Make a group of Battery powered fixtures go from...
  • Select active fixture with active effects

    • 1 Comment
    SELECT ACTIVE + EFFECT combination stroke. Very usefull, moreover when you have an intensity chase.
  • Extra GO-button settings

    • 1 Comment
  • Tap rate should ignore rate master

  • Sound to light

    Would it be possible to add a bit more elaborate sound to light functionality (since all consoles have an audio input). I really like the ones that where proposed in the ETC LABS projects, but they do not work anymore or are unsupported.
  • Query tags in Cue - Attributes - Notes

  • Tracking in Live while Cue Only in Blind

    I love being able to edit cues in blind during productions but I almost exclusively use cue only while on blind. While in Live I frequently switch between tracking and cue only so using the cue only button is easy there. What im suggesting is having...