Where Group 1 are moving fixtures on the left and Group 2 moving fixtures on the right.
Effect 201.1 is a circle, effect 201.2 is the same in reverse
Gives a nice symmetric circle fx
As a guest hose we have a lot of short one offs. I often just set the home preset on my lights and throw down intensity on masters. This macro helps me to record the moving lights and LEDs without intensity in my home preset 999 after focusing and setting...
these are very usefull and make the process super fast while programing when one gets to end of a scene. one touch, bam its done.
Select_Active at Out Record Cue Next Block Assert [enter]
Label BO [enter]
Time 0 [enter]
live [enter]
or same...
A small macro we wrote to test our RGBW LED installations.
I hope it is helpful for you.
Color @ 0 [Enter]
Intens @ Full [Enter]
Red @ Full Sneak Time 0 . 5 [Enter]
Macro_Wait 1 [Enter]
Green @ Full Sneak Time 0 . 5 [Enter]
I call this Macro "Track Autoclean FCB v.0.1
I made this macro for shows stored in Cueonly mode. When we go through the cues starting at the beginning we constantly create Dark and Live moves (D & L).
This macro cleans all Darkmoves and Livemoves...
Group 1 Effect 201.1
Group 2 Offset Reverse Effect 201.2
Where Group 1 are moving fixtures on the left and Group 2 moving fixtures on the right.
Effect 201.1 is a circle, effect 201.2 is the same but in reversed direction
Gives a nice symmetric...
Blind Cue Enter
Macro_Loop_Begin 0 Enter
Cue Wait_For_Enter Enter
Query Dark_Moves Enter
AllNPs @ CueOnlyTrack Enter
Macro_Loop_End Enter
Notice this is a looping macro that allows for you to just type the cue number of the next cue you...