What i really really want for the EOS System:

1) A real Control for Submaster/Fader via Q-List (like Transtechnik Konsoles)

2) A real Darkmove (sorry but the "Darkmove" on EOS Systems is not a Darkmove)

3) The Option for the Macronames in Q-List (if it is possible via "DATA" Switch??)

4) Wordwrap for Notes (Shift-Enter on Keyboard??)

5) The Option see the Real-Out-Data -it is a Prob with Park-Channels (also like the INTA-AKTA-LKI Switch on Transtechnik)

5a) Or the Option with SHIFT Park a Channel real locked. Nothing can change the Level, means is a Channel locked, his Count shown on Screen and if i turn the Wheel -nothing happend with this Channel, he show his locked Level.

6) A new Manual, not the Version 2.0 and then Releasenotes. A really new Manual.

  • 2) You'll need to get more info about what you want. Eos has 2 dark move options.

    4) I thought this was maybe possible because you can wrap text in DS by using || in the label but this doesn't work.

    5) About + Address will give you the DMX output on every param.

    6) I doubt you'll get a new manual until version 3.0
  • 4) It is for more Information about next Q.
    If i make in Magic Sheet a Textfield with "Q-Preview" and show in this the Name and Notes it is very good.
    But i can only write one Line.
    So is my Information:
    Backlight get Out, Scroller change to L201, Front only fron right side, Spot on Position 1,...
    Player walk thru the Stage and made at the End of his walk a fast Turn,. Fast Turn is Sign for GO
    you see my "Problem"
  • 4) It is for more Information about next Q.
    If i make in Magic Sheet a Textfield with "Q-Preview" and show in this the Name and Notes it is very good.
    But i can only write one Line.
    So is my Information:
    Backlight get Out, Scroller change to L201, Front only fron right side, Spot on Position 1,...
    Player walk thru the Stage and made at the End of his walk a fast Turn,. Fast Turn is Sign for GO
    you see my "Problem"
No Data