What i really really want for the EOS System:

1) A real Control for Submaster/Fader via Q-List (like Transtechnik Konsoles)

2) A real Darkmove (sorry but the "Darkmove" on EOS Systems is not a Darkmove)

3) The Option for the Macronames in Q-List (if it is possible via "DATA" Switch??)

4) Wordwrap for Notes (Shift-Enter on Keyboard??)

5) The Option see the Real-Out-Data -it is a Prob with Park-Channels (also like the INTA-AKTA-LKI Switch on Transtechnik)

5a) Or the Option with SHIFT Park a Channel real locked. Nothing can change the Level, means is a Channel locked, his Count shown on Screen and if i turn the Wheel -nothing happend with this Channel, he show his locked Level.

6) A new Manual, not the Version 2.0 and then Releasenotes. A really new Manual.

  • 2) You'll need to get more info about what you want. Eos has 2 dark move options.

    4) I thought this was maybe possible because you can wrap text in DS by using || in the label but this doesn't work.

    5) About + Address will give you the DMX output on every param.

    6) I doubt you'll get a new manual until version 3.0
  • 2) You'll need to get more info about what you want. Eos has 2 dark move options.

    4) I thought this was maybe possible because you can wrap text in DS by using || in the label but this doesn't work.

    5) About + Address will give you the DMX output on every param.

    6) I doubt you'll get a new manual until version 3.0
  • I wil try to explain...
    2) The MH stands at Pan/Til 50/50 Intensity 100. Record Q1.
    Next Q you try them at Position Pan/Tile 25/25,..... hmmm does not work, you can kill them.
    Okay, Intensity at 0%, Record Q2.
    Now Go to Q1, all okay Then press Go the MH moves and turn of the light during the Move.
    Thats not wright. The Move must happen after the Q2 complet in.
    So first light off, Q stand complett and now the move work.

    Now you try in Q3 the MH at Position Pan/Tilt 75/75, Light at 100%..... hmmm we don't need, you can drive the light at 0%.
    Record Q3.
    And now press Go.

    You have a move (and Sound of this move in the roof) for "nothing".

    It is not realy comfortable. I must Clean up the complet Show to find this "miststakes" and correct them.
    Make "Sneak Enter" or "At Enter Out" after work with a MH and don't use they in a Q is not that what i think it is a Darkmove.
    For the Option +% and -% is a Channel at 0% is not a count they not active. So i get a Faultmassage if i use this with a Channel that start at 0% .
    So 0% is not active, but for a Darkmove is 0% a Count???
    I come from a Transtechnik. On this desk it is possible to define a "Beteiligtenschwelle" (only Channles over this Count can be record) so all Count with 0% will be ignore and i have no "unmotivatet Move".
    If it is possible, take a watch on a TT Konsole how the Darkmove on this Desk works.
    I think thats a rel Darkmove.
  • 4) It is for more Information about next Q.
    If i make in Magic Sheet a Textfield with "Q-Preview" and show in this the Name and Notes it is very good.
    But i can only write one Line.
    So is my Information:
    Backlight get Out, Scroller change to L201, Front only fron right side, Spot on Position 1,...
    Player walk thru the Stage and made at the End of his walk a fast Turn,. Fast Turn is Sign for GO
    you see my "Problem"
  • 5) in the ZIB?
    At this play i don't need it. I like to see this Information in my Channelscreen.

    For my Foyer i get Channel that must during the show all time on.
    So i make a Macro, Channels set on usefull counts and then the Channels at Park
    Fire this Macro

    Go to Q1 (in this my Foyer Channels not in) and the Counts walk at 0%. I can change the shown count on every count i wanne have. But it dosen't work for the lamps because they parked.
    So that what the Consol me tell is "wrong". I get not the real Information about a Channel.
    Okay, their is a small "P" right corner. But i'am not the only Guy that works with the Console and other don't see this "P" or think it incorrect,...
    I think it will be better if i get a view with all real outgoing Datas. The ZIB is to small for this.
  • 6) When will the Version 3 will Roll out?
  • No 1 you have exactly in the same way as on Transtechnik. Make a macro saying "sub xx at yyy" ,
    The cue zu execute macro (macro number).

    About the darkmove.... bit lost in Translation. Pm me in German if you want.
    Generally you have the same as on The consoles (as far as I remember my Tat Prisma ntx). It's setup Automark.
    The mark function in EOS far more versatile than darkmove in TT, once you get used to it.
  • Sorry but Nope.
    Not the same way like TT.
    In a TT SQL i say, create a new Step in SQL and in this step i can direct set the Values (Level, Time In or Out) for the Submaster.
    This new Step gets a Hang or Follow Time (for TT means TVZ or TS Time)

    I have a Effect at Subamster 1.
    I need this Effect first with 100%, later with 75%.
    With a TT System i can direct say, Level at 100% or 75% Time in/Out in X-Y Seconds.
    On TT Systems i don't need to work with a macro. I can but i don't must.

    And thats not possible with EOS. With a EOS System i must creat for every Level or Time In-Out a new Macro.
    If i work with diferent Rate and Size Level for the same Effect on EOS i must create Macro for Macro for Macro....
    And then i can't see the Name of a Macro in my Q-List....

    I used the Automark Function.
    But the MH moves if i get a at 0% Lightcount and a new P/T Position in the Q i say Light at 0%.
    On TT System the move wait till the light is complett off.
    in my Tracklist on TT i also create the Cues with values (for P/T, Beam Parameters,...) in it. But if the Dimmer for a Lamp is under the "Take-In-Level" the Values for the other Parameter have no effect for the Cue.
    The Console ignore theses Level and don't move or change any Parameter for a MH at 0%.
    With last Software Release on TT comes a new Menu, called 425. This Menu Clean Up this Values the "Empty Steps" for transport a TT Show on a EOS Desk
  • I understand the dark move function you want, this is how preset style consoles (reading some of your comments indicate the NT was a preset console), unfortunately Eos is a move fade/tracking console.

    I can't see Eos adding this dark move feature anytime soon because it goes against the theory behind the console.

    Anne product manger for Eos (move fade console) and Sarah product manager for Cobalt (preset console) wrote a white paper on the theory behind these two concepts. If you search the ETC website you can find this paper.

    In a preset console 0% channel are ignored but this isn't the case with tracking/move fade consoles.

    1) Hopefully at some point we'll have the same commands option we have in MS so we can reduce macro's in cue sheet, at the moment macro are the way if you need these values to come from a sub/fade and can't just be recorded into cue.

    4) I understand what you want here and I think this is already on the list. As I said you can put in a line break in other targets and I thought this maybe possible in Notes as well but sadly not.

    5) I gave you the wrong toggle here. About+Live (double hit Live to lock) and this will always display the output values. By design you don't see the levels from Park in the live display, this won't change.

    6) At the moment we're getting one or maybe 2 major software releases a year so version 3.0 is a couple of years away.

    Here is the search to find the white paper.

  • 5) About display also shows the true output in the DMX column. this also reflects parked values. this is shown either in the CIA (ZIB is the german translation for that) or in a tab.