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What's your idea is moving to Feature Requests

Over the 14 years this forum has been open, there have been many great ideas shared. Thank you!

In the last few years, most of the submissions to this forum have been about a specific console family or feature request. To better help us track those items and to give you a chance to vote for those ideas you would like to see us do without having to comment "+1", we are moving towards specific areas in each console family for submitting feature requests.

For the Eos Family, you can submit those requests here:  Eos Family Feature Requests

For the ColorSource Family, you can submit those requests here:  ColorSource Consoles Feature Requests

As of Friday, July 16th 2021, this forum will no longer be accepting new posts. Over the next few weeks, the existing ideas from this forum will be moved into their respective console family area. For some consoles that are no longer in active development, they will serve as a historical reminder. For those which are in active development, they will join the other feature requests and allow voting and commenting just as any other submission there allows.  During this time, replies to threads here will continue to be allowed as normal.


I submitted my idea here, do I need to do anything to move it? Should I resubmit it?

Nope! The move will happen automatically and you will likely get a notification when it does. You do not need to resubmit your idea but if you wish to gather support behind it, feel free to tell your friends to vote for it after the move.

I have a really great idea but you've locked me out of this forum, what should I do?

We are really excited to read your great idea. Please use the feature requests area of the family that most applies to your great idea.

If I reply to a thread, what happens to my reply after it has been moved?

All of the replies and discussion from a thread are preserved as comments.
