Personality for Elektralite MY250i

I would like to create a personality for the Elektralite MY250i.  The problem is that the channel assignments in the fixture put Pan Course on 5 and Pan Fine on 14 and the same goes with Tilt Course(6), Tilt Fine(15).  Since the editor only allows 16bit channels to be consecutive, is there a way around this?  I prefer to use a profile as opposed to just making them "dimmers" in the patch.
  • Unfortunately this is a limitation within Expression that the coarse and fine channels have to be consecutive. I'm not certain if there is a way to do this - you could patch the coarse channel as Pan/Tilt and then use the User# parameters to get the fine channels into the profile, however you will not get the true benefit of 16-bit fades. You would get access to the "fine adjustment" part of pan & tilt though...

    Thanks -


  • Sarah,  Thanks for the reply.  This is what I thought.  How does the Smartfade ML handle this?  Is it still an issue on the EOS and ION?  Since we are adding these fixtures to our rental stock, and also adding the Smartfade ML and EOS/ION's down the road, we just want to know the compatibility.




  • Sarah,  Thanks for the reply.  This is what I thought.  How does the Smartfade ML handle this?  Is it still an issue on the EOS and ION?  Since we are adding these fixtures to our rental stock, and also adding the Smartfade ML and EOS/ION's down the road, we just want to know the compatibility.



