I just purchased a remote focus unit for my Hog II. I connected it using a true 5 pin DMX cable and it did not power up, nor did the console see it. Am i doing somthing wrong? I have never tried connecting anything to the expansion port on this hog so i do not know if it works, or if the remote works. The remote was still in the factory packaging from high end when i recieved it.
Hi, been a while since i used one but are you connecting directly to the console without going into any dmx opti splits/buffer boxs etc. Also if i remember you cannot access the Hog II console at the same time as the remote...
i would make sure that it is a true 5pin cable. it needs to see all five wires to allow it to work. did you try and meter out the pins to see if any are crossed or out of order?
Tim, you may want to open up the console and check the fuse that covers the 24+VDC on the expansion buss. You'll have to open up your console and it should be on the motherboard near the expansion buss connector. I usually has blown when I've had a short on pins 4&5 at some point. Hope this helps.
Hello, the Fuse for the Expansion Port is actually on the Back Panel I/O PCB. If you remove the ribbon cable on the left side of the PCB there are two black plastic boxes with fuses in the lids. Remove the top, or lid, and the fuse will come out with it. The Expansion port is F2 I believe.
I've been on the road and the whole console has taken a crap. I have not had a chance to mess with it. I have been using the backup console which also needs some work. I'm having a brain fart as to how to enable the remote in the input panel. I think it is enabled but please refresh me.
I'm going to try to go through the board and see if i can fix it. I really think its a ribbon cable problem. I'm going to pull out the front panel board and make sure everything is tight. I did find a loose display cable on the side of it a while back that fixed the flickering display problem. If i cannot figure it out, i'll bring it over to you. If i do come up i'd love to check out the showgun and your new facilities since i have not been up there since yall have moved.