You can make a cuelist release on a second touch if it only has one cue in it.
Under cuelist options set the "Action at end of list" to be "Add end release cue". This places a "ghost" cue at the end of the list which essentially is a release macro.
Any chance we might see something like this for Scenes?
I test it for cuelist that great, but i find nothing to do the same with Scenes. it could be easy with that to have all bump strob.... in scenes, with fast access and release
You could configure the pause key of the scene to act as a release or configure the flash key to release. Either of these options will allow you a quick one button press to release the scene.
That is ok if i use scene with submaster but if i want to use some on touch screen, i need two hands to release one scene, so i can't use scene for short effect or bump or ...., white this way of work i can save submaster for all need dimmers values.
That is ok for programming session or quiet show, but for live one hand is on submaster, and SCENE + RELEASE use two hands. SCENE (#) TIME (#) ENTER, is two long in live most of time i will lose first bumps. With fader for timer i I would have just to select or unselect "Ative". And all that is even longer and less easy on HogIIIPC.
Yeah...altering Scene times isn't very useful in a fast-on-the-fly situation. Only if you have enough warning/time to make all the keystrokes before triggereing the Scene. Then you better remember what you set it to!:rolleyes:
I just wanted to make sure folks knew that there is a way to edit scene times apart from cell editing in speadsheet view.:)
But, SCENE + RELEASE only takes two fingers....not two hands. The buttons are practically next to one another. You can even use your pinky and ring finger on one hand. Your other hand can be on the faders.:friday:
To hold down a single key and make another selection, simply press and hold SHIFT on your computer keyboard when you click the a button. As long as you are holding shift, this key (and subsequent keys) will remain held down. You can then click on another button, cell, or encoder to access further unctions. Hog 3PC 140 Release Notes.pdf