MIDI Show Control



first : I can't found the "Skip Back" command. For the "Skip Forward" I use :
F0 7F 01 02 01 04 3X 00 3Y 00 F7
where X is anyone number and Y the number of my cuelist
the action of this command is "skip to the next cue & go"
which is the command to "skip back" ?

Second : If I use the two command :
F0 7F 01 02 01 11 3X 00 3Y 00 F7
F0 7F 01 02 01 12 3X 00 3Y 00 F7
I can direct go to a cue X (less or more one) in a cuelist Y without a go action.
Wich is the command to go to the next cue or the preceding one (without having a go too) ?


Laurent F
  • Laurent,

    Forgive me if I'm over-answering your question, but I want to give you some insight about what is going on here.

    The basic structure of MIDI Show Control messages is:

    F0 7F device_id 02 command_format command [data] F7

    The device_id is one byte and is set to the ID of the controller that should receive and process the message.

    The command_format is one byte with a decimal value of 0 through 127. We (the lighting industry) most commonly use value 01, which is General Lighting.

    The command is one byte with a decimal value of 0 through 127.

    Some commands require an amount of data to follow the command.

    F7 completes the command.

    Pressing Go for List 1, Cue 1, sends this message:
    F0 7F 01 02 01 01 31 00 31 00 F7
    Command 01 is GO, which runs using the assigned cue time.

    Pressing Skip Forward >>| to bump to List 1, Cue 2, sends this message:
    F0 7F 01 02 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 32 00 31 00 F7
    Command 04 is a TIMED_GO with data to tell the controller to run the cue in a time 0.

    Pressing Skip Back |<
    F0 7F 01 02 01 04 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 31 00 F7
    which is also a TIMED_GO.

    Pressing Skip Forward >>| when the cuelist is released and in cue 1 (to advance to List 1, Cue 2 without playing the list), sends this message:
    F0 7F 01 02 01 11 32 00 31 00 F7
    Command 11 is STANDBY_+, which tells the controller to standby for the next cue without playing it.

    Pressing Skip Back >>| when the cuelist is released and in cue 2 (to step back to List 1, Cue 1 without playing the list), sends this message:
    F0 7F 01 02 01 12 31 00 31 00 F7
    Command 11 is STANDBY_-, which tells the controller to standby for the previous cue without playing it.

    Hopefully this answers your questions about which commands you need to use. Feel free to ask for more clarification, if necessary.

  • thank you for this small up to date handing-over…

    For the Skip Forward >>| and the Skip Back |<

    F0 7F 01 02 01 04 3X 00 31 00 F7

    Where X have any value

    it goes to the next cue, without holding account of the preceding cue… in the list 1…
    Is it a bug, is it normal, and does exist the same order to go to the preceding cue?
  • Hawthorn,

    What do you mean it goes to the next cue without holding account of the preceding cue? Are you saying that it isn't holding state properly or not jumping to the correct cue or list?

    Here's some more detailed information about the additional data sent with the TIMED_GO command you are using:

    In Controlled Devices with multiple Cue Lists, if no Cue Number is Specified, the next cues in numerical order and numbered identically and which are in Open Cue Lists GO. If Q_number is sent without Q_list, all cues with a number identical to Q_number and which are in Open Cue Lists GO.

    04 TIMED_GO
    hr mn sc fr ff Standard Time Specification
    optional; required if Q_list is sent
    00 delimiter
    optional; required if Q_path is sent
    00 delimiter
  • Well, I creat a cuelist 1 and in this cuelist 8 cues.
    And I send this MSC : F0 7F 01 02 01 04 3X 00 31 00 F7
    (I tested with X = 1 to 9 ... so nine tests)
    the reaction of the console is to go to the next cue, without holding account of the current cue and of the value of X.
    For me it's cool... I have a MIDI loop sequence and each time the sequence start again it send the same MSC and the hog3 go to the next cue... It's really what I need.
    But does there exist the same thing to retrogress?

  • Laurent,

    The syntax you're using looks like a TIMED_GO for List 1 Cue X.

    If you are just looking to go on the next cue without sending the cue number, try this:

    F0 7F 01 02 01 04 00 F7

    I'm not entirely sure how that will work, but I think that it will just go on the next cue of the chosen list.

    Unfortunately, the MSC specification says that if you speficie a cuelist number you must also specify a cue number.

    I've just removed all of the data fields and left the delimiter and the terminator, so it is just a plain TIMED_GO command with no additional information.
  • A little question about the MSC command again

    the data for a MSC command like the number of a cue is expressed like that for exemple the cue 10 :

    31 30.

    Well, when I convert the velocity value 10 of a midi not in a 8 bits data I have this :


    is there a solution so that the hog read 0A like 31 30? or must I write 31 30 in my sysex ?
  • you need to use 31 30.

    MSC uses a whole byte for each "digit" in a cue number, that's what allows us to use cues > 255, use decimal points, etc...