Add Matrix Editor


in a world of steadily increasing lighting set ups, especially in the led section, there is a strong need to matrix control. today a fixture often is nothing more but a pixel!

is there any development going on?


  • I just had cells than we have easy selection of row and column, for exemple to put fix in editors.
  • I´m working for a bigger company since 4.5 years now!

    Our product of choice was the Hog III and iPC family.

    But at the moment we are not sure anymore if this was the right choice.

    There is absolutly a need for a matrix control !!!:welcome:

    Last week I had a background with 35 times Martin Stagecyclo arrange in a little matrix.

    The customer came up and asked me if I can run the shortname from the company over it.
    He said is would be nice to have the letters running from left to right and flying them in!

    In the end it was only the 3 letters popping in one after the other because I didn´t had the time anymore to programm that!

    There was to much other things to do! You know programm time is getting shorter and shorter.
    I only had one night for programming 4 Live acts two lounges and a rigg with over 50 moving Lights.

    And by the way... No I won´t buy a Catalyst!!!!:mad:

    It must be possible to do things like that easily with such a powerful tool like the HOG III system....!!! :angryfire:

    ...and as soon as possible.

    Why should I programm 2 desks or a desk and a software if I can do everything from one desk!!!
    I agree if I wanne do complex things or have 1000 or more nodes in a matrix then for sure I need something special if I also wanne do video clips or Live camera

    But for 35 Fixtures and a few letters???:confused:

    To name it... with a Mrand GA or a C-Eue for example I could control my normal Lightrigg and also do such small gimmicks in a few minutes.:17:

    So please guys do something as quick as you can. :aargh4:

    Another example : on a huge production 2 month ago we had over hundred Moving Lights and lot´s of Dimmer channels but also we had a Matrix with 66 ELP 60 Powersticks...
    The whole rigg was controlled with a HOG iPC except for the Matrix - That was controlled with a Mrand GA Full Size.....

    Is that really what you guys from Flying Pig want???

    Thanks for listening!!!
  • Jan,

    We understand your concerns and your need for a matrix feature. We do have this and many other features on our list of items to do. We plan to implement features such as this in a timely manner, however I can not provide any specific timeline for when they will become available.

  • I can understand your point of view and a specific timeline is not really what I want!
    Okay to be honest it would be nice to have it as soon as possible but something like next year or in 2 years or never would be nice.

    Don´t get me wrong but I think if you put it too far away many people will look for other solutions in the meanwhile.
    And this is a pitty for me since I really like the Hog III System!

    At the moment from what I hear this is one of the most wanted features that people are really missing.

    And I think matrix design will come more and more in the near future!

    just a thought!!!
  • Jan,

    We spend a good deal of time planning our releases and deciding what features should be implemented next. The direction of the software is very important to us and our users and we try to please everyone as best as we can.

    Our goals are to provide a stable, feature rich lighting console so features such as the matrix editor are very important. Over the next year you will see many new and long awaited enhancements coming to the Wholehog 3 system.

    thanks for your understanding,
  • And please don't limit grid at stupid values like 100 raw by 100 columns, if we could have something like 999 by 999 or 9999 by 9999 we will never use but we also be never be limited.
  • [quote=ahelgor]This should prob be in the Catalyst forum, but.
    I've sometimes wanted to see a function like "bypassing" the mediaserver.. think that a mediaserver had an extra dmx input(other than the control dmx that we use to control the mediaserver) that could be routed to the dmx output from the mediaserver(led wall) then you could add the "old fashion" way of controling a led array to your desk, and have it connected to that new dmx input on the mediaserver.. so if you wanted to take the desk and make a effect over the ledwall, you could just "bypass" the mediaserver, and use the dmx from the desk to control it..

    I use the Luminex ArtNet boxes to achieve this. They support full IP merging which can be assigned to any or all of the dmx output channels and universes.

    I set up the media server in the usual way to output up to 7 universes per box, then use the 8th universe as a dmx input direct from the Hog 3 with its universe IP address merged onto all 7 outputs, selecting either whichever group of output channels I wish this to apply to, or the whole universe.

    In this way you can control the inbuilt effects of say a Pixelline whilst the media server number crunches the individual cells, or combine media based and desk based rgb programming styles. This overcomes the problem I have when I need a specific state and know it’s faster to program conventionally than it is to find a video source which matches the effect that I require.

    I have been using this setup for years now and it works perfectly.

  • Hi,
    One of my friends spoke to Highend to Plazza in London (I could not go there myself), he asked if a matrix system would be implemented in wholehog 3 and answer was "no". Is the project abandoned or my friend was misinformed?
  • Up,
    it is one of the most important points for me to my needs for my work.

  • Hi Stéphane,

    As I said in an email to you:

    We are still looking into this feature, but do not have a current timeline for implementation. However we may have something in the next year or so that could be of use to you.

    thanks for your continued use of our products,
  • What i'm looking for is a quick and easy way to write a name with fixtures like sunstrip.

    thanks for your answer.
  • I understand. Right now the best choice is to use off board pixel mapping software such as PixelMad or Hippotizer and trigger this from the console.
  • And if the Matrix was simply based on plots? (in 3D :-) )
    So plots could be used to select fixtures, matrix, XYZ, Focus palettes ........
  • Hi, I think, the only what we need is a Tool to build single fixture Groups.
    For example: fix 1 > build Group 20x20.
    A Resolution from 100x100 is more than ok. Nobody will Patch a videoscreen in the desk!
    The graphics for Groups must in this case turn to smaler Buttons.
    So you are able to select every fix by a graphic Way
    The rest you can do with the existing tools.
