Full BackUp


when we see a full tracked backup solution ala GrandMa with the Hog III ??
This Year ??

  • Thanks for the tip on the DataLynx Marty. I'll definitely make use of that.

  • what is with crahses, which be a summary of work over a long time, a summary of commands, touches,...whatever? how will you handle this? you have the same hardware, same software, same showfile and at work all commands and operations you did behind the desk will send in realtime to a backupsystem and now? at this time, the backup system will help only if you have an electronical or mechanical problem. the most backup systems what we had actual in our business are be a real good fake and not 100% showsafe and will crash at the same time. So what is, when you have a delay to execute the same commands? your main system will crash, ok you go to the backup system and do the same, then? or you will not do your last actions behind your main system and do some other, but you will not know, from where you have this trouble, maybe 5 minutes erliear as you did some, what will in combination with some newer actions crash the console?

    i be happy that i must not write source code and think about this things, but in my opinion it is much safer two work with 2 identical but not connected main systems and use some dmx switches to change between the system. in this case at show time, you have an identical show as you started with the system, but the rest all commands, all operations, all... you did this on one of your systems, but on second you change only the pages.

    the most trouble with electronic equipment you will not have, when you play only or with your hardware equipment. the most trouble you will have with software, operators and in our business with patching, editing, programming,...(as a remember at introducing of windows and blue screens)

    so at first i think we need dmx switches, who can controlled over a network and you can cascade them, that you most not switch on/off 15 devices. in an advanced version with fade if the 2 inputs have different datas, or if you haven't a backup solution, then a frozen output and fade back if you have .... else switch;-)
  • IF HES are open for Artnet in future all can be done very easy !
    LanNode 4 did exact what a Hog III user need when ArtNet are in mind.
    DMX / artnet in > and then switch.


  • By all the way backup can be done:
    Have you all think in witch way you will backUp youre switches....lol

  • Hi Denis,

    are you talking about the elc dmxlan node4?

    have you allready used it with WHIII and catalyst?

    also with Wyg?

    is it working?


    robert gurk
  • Hay Robert,

    first: NO.... I have never try this wile I playing with other stuff like
    pandoras and

    bringing the elc lan node 4 in the game was in mind for backup solution
    when HES / Hog III is open to Art-Net.
    As you know I own antoher console since....
    So use a console that output dmx and another one outputing at artnet and bring them into the elc...know you have a easy backup without cable; by the way like mike say: Use two ident. System and a DMX switch is the best.
    There is no way to give you 100% safty without cabling new.
    If the DMX switch fail....you have it again.
    What you do when you have more then 4 universe ?? you need more switches more more more more...add more things to a system rise also the sources of equipment that can fail......
    Normal 99% safty of a backup system ist fine enough.

    ....ArtNet is a nice way to manage backup systems.
    Yes yes you can make DMX ( DP ) to ArtNet...and then again you need more machines

  • You have all made some very good points, but there are two that I'd like to specifically highlight:

    1) As Mike mentioned, if you have a *full* tracking backup solution, your backup desk will be doing the exact same thing as the primary and can be affected by the same software instabilities. If you have an application problem that causes a crash on the primary desk it may have the exact same problem. Improving stability will not only help the console, but it will help the backup solution.

    2) Keep in mind that every piece of hardware that you add is an additional potential failure point. If you are converting from DMX to ArtNet and merging DMX universes, every converter, merger, DMX cable, and Ethernet cable is a link that can fail and cause a problem with your system. The more complicated your system is (even if it's made complicated to try to offer redundancy), the more places you can have problems.
  • Hay

    ..thats what I mean too.
    Without the Art-Net thing you have also rise the equipment.
    When you add a DMX switcher to the system you have also add a piece
    of equipment more...so and when you do this and rise the risk of fail
    you can also add a Art-Net node...smile

    I think that the backup solution only solve a hardware fail when it comes to
    the point of fallout.
    Software bug-backup can not be done full.
    I have a talk with some Network freeks weeks ago and say said:
    The main problem of system chrash is when people are on machines and typing keystrokes that can not be in mind of an software programmer.
    So having a peace of equipment in the network without give us the GUI
    to get in it runs safe on a high level ..like a network printer.

  • Denis,

    You are certainly correct. A device that's not running a gui and has very little user interaction is much less likely to fail than something like a lighting console.

    I don't tend to agree with the statement that people should have to think like a programmer to avoid a crash. A robust software application should be designed to be intuitive to the user and should be able to either handle or ignore incorrect syntax and input without crashing.

    Stop by the High End Systems trade show booths this fall and I may be able to give you some information about Wholehog 3 ArtNet processing.