This has been one of my big requests for quite a while because I often end up on industrials with custom corporate logo and show logo gobos. It's on the list as feature request #6042 and I've added your comments to the bug so everyone knows folks are still asking for it.
Would You make this change only for the current show, or also add the ability to change this "permanently". You have some Fixtures (Martin Mac 250 Entour for example) where the fixed Gobo Wheel is labeled Gobo1 thru Gobo12. I only use 3-4 of them, but I have to figure out each time I use them when, which are the one I use, and relabel them. Not necessary, but maybe an idea.
What I am talking about is an entering a new text label other than the stock ones found under "edit fixtures". You cannot currently type in a new value for a have to use one of system names/values.
I agree with what you as talking about though that a fixture profile shoud have the stock names in the slots....if you change them, then it's up to you to change the label too!:)
I believe the Entour's have a stock wheel...any reason there aren't stock names in tht slots?:confused:
I think there is a real need for a user label layer in the library model which sits between real world and dmx values, whereby users can custom label things to their hearts content, altering slot names etc. whilst the old relationships are maintained so that fixture replace, clone etc. remain functional. I see this a bit like adding a new “description” column to a database where all the records are left in tact.
yes a description type is the right word. However it should be visible in the interface, in the way : if a description is given show it, else show what is displayed today.
If we're just talking about custom slot names, I don't see the advantage of separating the user-entered names into a "description" column. Why wouldn't you just want to be able to add your own custom names to the list of available slots?
For slots yes adding custom names is fine, however if a new “user descriptive label” layer is not introduced to the library model I’m concerned that the renaming of slots etc. will render things like fixture replacement unusable. Furthermore users will undoubtedly wish to label values appearing on the parameter wheels as discreet steps which may not even appear as slots, such as identifying values for media server libraries by name where a range of 0-255 is the normal value. I think there’s a wider issue here beyond simply adding new user slots. I’m sure others will have their thoughts also.
What would happen when a slot is replaced with a user selected one. Are the preset focus values for a programmed show broken or left in tact? What happens when a user slot is deleted but the show was programmed using that slot name?