Back+Next is currently the shortcut for Select All. I doubt that this would be likely to change unless there is a real outcry for different functionality. Maybe this is something that could be added to the select toolbar.
can we please get a user preference to switch off the select all function. It's for me a pretty dangerous combination togheter with highlite when working in studios with lots of consuming conventional fixtures and less power to supply all at once. When searching for a fixture next and back is easaly pressed togheter......
what about the different combinations? i.e. holding next then press back selects all and holding back then press next does group select, OR PIG, NEXT/BACK? just a thought. toolbar would be nice though.
I'd like to see if anyone else has been having this problem. I rarely find myself nexting through fixtures fast enough that I accidentally select all. Has anyone else run into this?
I think it would be a bit confusing if the Next+Back shortcut were different from the Back+Next shortcut and I'd like to find a solution that doesn't involve a 3-button combination. I'll run this one past the folks around here and see what they think, but I'm still feeling like the select toolbar is probably the best option. I'd really like to find a place for this because I usually feel like I want to intelligently select all of the fixtures I'm currently working with, rather than *everything* in my editor.
[QUOTE=dmdesigns]is it possible to have the next/back buttons reselect the group you are working with when they are pressed together?
I thought that several software versions ago that after selecting a group, stepping forward or backwards using next or back, then pressing next and back togeather did re-select the original group. When did that change?
I've owned a Wholehog 3 for a few years now. I think the first version I used on a show was 1.1 or 1.2, but I've been wrong about old functionality more than once.
If you think that next+back should do something different then it currently does, feel free to ask for what you'd like.
Well... I think it would be nice to have Next/Back select the original group as was requested at the beginning post. I have also selected all in this maner, hit at full and brought up a large conventional system. Could be dangerous in a limited power service situation. Thanks.
To all you AVO programmers out there!! YES! We need a way to select the last group. This is imperative since many times I select fixtures in a specific selection order and then build and sometimes I want to see all at once and then not have to reselect the order. (Trusts me this is a killer when it's 2 dozen fixtures.) Just like on an AVO board, there is a button that selects the last group.
Very Simply, I think Pig+Next would be great. While we're at it, how about we make Pig+Back a way to engage or disengage the lowlight palette.
Remember that pressing Select on the main toolbar, followed by Previous on the select toolbar will recall your last selection.
I do see a possible need for a selection to select the "superset" of the current sub-selection, but I think that it would make the most sense to place this on the select toolbar. I think it would be just as easily accessible and more logical than a pig key combination.
I can also see some possible advantages to being able to enable and disable lowlight, but I think that Pig + Highlight would be a more logical shortcut for this than Pig + Back.
Pig+Highlight is a better idea yes. Probably a very good idea too about the select toolbar. Maybe the next night I'm going on a posting frenzy, I'll drop all my thoughts about ways to enhance the fan menu too. Fan has got to be the best feature I use and one I use the most for very fast programming on a big rig. Fan is where selection order is crucial for me and being able to discern between sub-sets and super-sets without having to re-select would save so much time.
Has the group + next / back option been loged as a feature request? If not I would really like to add that option. I was working with a rather large conventional rig where this would have helped. Things are always faster when you can enter them from the command line without using the touchscreen.