Encoders for Repeats and Buddies

It would be really cool if there could be a way to map the Repeats and Buddies functions to encoders. Maybe they could live as a second wheelset under Effects?

Think of the possibilities when used in conjuction with Fan!
  • Marty,

    I can think of 2 possible ways that we could implement this.

    1) Have a new wheelset with grouping and buddying open when the grouping toolbar is opened from the main toolbar.

    2) Add the Effects wheelset to the wheelset editor in the preferences window and add options for grouping and buddying.

    Do either of these sound useful?
  • Tom,

    I think both of these could be useful.

    Personally I would use option #2 more than option #1.

    This could go a long way towards getting that "matrix editor" feel I think a lot of folks are looking for.
  • in addition to this is it possible to make an function to leave the grouping toolbar open unit its closed with the clos button. for example pressing [pig] [grouping]


  • [quote=Marty Postma]Tom,

    I think both of these could be useful.

    Personally I would use option #2 more than option #1.

    This could go a long way towards getting that "matrix editor" feel I think a lot of folks are looking for. djforum.free.fr/smileysmileysmiley/v2/surprises/surprises.smileysmiley.com.54.gif
  • [quote=teerickson]
    1) Have a new wheelset with grouping and buddying open when the grouping toolbar is opened from the main toolbar.

    2) Add the Effects wheelset to the wheelset editor in the preferences window and add options for grouping and buddying.

    :hijacked: (Sort Of)

    Upon looking at this I think of several things. In MS Excel there is the "series" feature that populates cells in a series. Example is 1 in row 1 and then the series multiplier advances row 2 to 2 row 3 to 3 etc. Obviously the advantage of this is to keep from typing a ton.

    The Hog Could use a feature like this too. I am not sure what others say. I'm a mathematician so numbers series and sequences are native to me. I can open the programmer and click-set-type, click-set-type and create the look I see in my head sometimes faster than using the fan wheel.

    What would be nice though is to do a selection order change and then utilize a series tool to populate the column. Obviously this would require wrap-around values when we get to 100% or 360 degrees or 256 etc. but just imagine the time this would save.

    Furthermore, if we were to apply this concept to both of Tom's step 1 and step 2, then we would have a matrix editor that MA would covet (sort Of).

    This new feature would add very well to the grouping toolbar. At the same time too this would be a good time to implement the feature where a user touches a wheel set and types a value. Like with Catalyst where we could press beam, beamgroup, then type an indicator value like 1/231 for wheel 1 at lib 231 or 2/17 for file 17.

    :hijacked: (my own post)
    Why we're at it, how about a toolbar button that allows us to change value of a parameter. For example, pan from "default pan" or "percentage" or "value" and then another one for timecodes for the inframe and out frame feature on media servers. (I might be a mathematician but that's just too much math.
  • Todd,

    I can certainly see the convenience of being able to extend a pattern or series within a spreadsheet view.

    We've also discussed adding the ability set parameter values directly from the encoders toolbar, most likely by using the Set key. I doubt that it would be possible to do anything with setting media server in and out frame as times, because the time is completely based on the frame rate and the proportional rate that the movie is being played at.
  • Very True Tom but a selector choice giving the ability to pick the frame as a timecode time value would be a tremendous advantage. Since most files are either 25 fps or 29.97 fps, there would only be a need for a modifier. For example it could say "timecode format" and have a choice of the frame rate type in the pop up list.
    It's a lot like cue timing and cuelist rate. When my cuelist rate is at 10% and I put in 2 seconds for a crossfade time, I'll actually get a 20 second crossfade. The same is true here. If I have a file that is less than 16 seconds for example, then it wouldn't matter if I had a count format of 29.97 or of 30 because the rounding is still up to the same frame number.
    Now if I'm running content created at 29.97 at 25 then yes, I would have a divergence but that is why I am saying "options."
    Almost every single time I use a media server, I'm at 29.97 and I'm sure this is true for many others. However, just to account for variations, I could point out that Richard built a whole list into Cat V4 for frame rates, and it wouldn't be so hard to create the same kind of list on Hog.