Creating a new cuelist from cues in other lists

Hey everyone,

Here's what I'm trying to do. I have 20 cues in 20 different cue lists that I want to copy into one single cue list. What is the best way to copy the exact look created by each cue into the new list without having each cue track forward?

  • Adam,

    When you press copy, the main toolbar at the bottom of the right screen changes to a copy options toolbar. One of the options on this bar is "State". When you copy with state, it copies the state of every parameter of every fixture that was used to build the output state. This basically mean every parameter that has been touched or controlled by the cuelist until that point.

    The next thing you will probably want to do is turn on the Cue Only option for your new cuelist in the cuelist options window. This will turn off tracking for the cuelist. The reason that you want to do this is because copying with state doesn't necessarily block every parameter of every fixture.

    For example, let's assume that you have a rig of 100 fixtures and 10 of them are Studio Color 575s. If you have a list that only controls the color of the Studio Colors and doesn't touch any other parameters, when you copy the state of a cue on that list it will only grab the color for those fixtures. If you put this in the middle of your new cuelist, any other parameter values will be able to track into this cue from the previous cues.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
  • Tom

    Thanks for your quick response!

    I want to clairify the "Cue Only" option. If the first cue sets Intensity, position, and beam parameters, but the subsequent cues only touch color, will enabling "Cue Only" put the other values back at their home position when subsequent cues are executed?

  • Exactly.

    With cue only turned on, you are disabling tracking for the cuelist.
    When you play a cue, only the values recorded in that cue will be played back. Any other values will be at their defaults, unless they are being controlled by another playback. You should also notice in the cuelist window that only the wait column for the current cue has a gray background when playing back, instead of the current cue and all previous cues.
  • Tom

    If you don't mind, i'd love to take this further. Let's say that I want to merge three different cuelists that track into a new cuelist that does not track, but I want to retain the integrity of the original cuelists....

    Would List, X, Cue, Y, Through, Z, Copy, State, List, 5, (next logical cue number), through, (last logical cue number), Merge... do the trick?

  • Adam,

    Can you explain a bit more about what you're trying to do?

    I'm assuming that you have 3 cuelists and each has the same cue numbers that do the same things to 3 different groups of fixtures. It sounds like you're attempting to make a 4th list that is a combination of all 3 of those lists.

    I can certainly give you some suggestions based on your exact details and your syntax suggestion is a good place to start, but the problem with it is that you can't merge from multiple sources into multiple destinations in one command. Give me a bit more information about what you're hoping to accomplish and I'm sure we can find a way to make it happen.

  • Tom

    I'm trying to make a fourth list that combines three differnt lists that use the same cue numbers within the cuelist. Because multiple parameters are controlled, I'd prefer for the three original lists not to track through into the fourth list. I hope this makes a little more sense.
