Hog Ipc Restarted?


I wanted to know if anyone has every experienced the issue (s) ive been having with an IPC console.

I updated to 1775 and I still get the occasional BSOD. Somtimes, one or two a day, sometimes none. They have said stuff about USB and another msg i could decipher.

When I updated i could not get to XPE 8.3 becuase i could not boot from the CD so i just updated everything on its own (except XPE, which is still 7.9)

So anyway, today i was running a show when the console just restarted. Out of nowhere. No error msg no Blue Screen and no Task List. Just a radom restart. It couldnt have been a power issue because i have the board on a UPS. I have no idea what could have caused it, but it wasnt good. All i was doing at the time was running one cuelist on a master with 2 addition "Scenes" on two other seperate masters.

Anyone have any input.
there was Absolutly no feedback from the console as far as error messages for this issue and it was fine for the rest of the show.

  • Hi,
    Full system restore is going to be the first thing your going to be told to do.
    If your having issues with the CD are you sure that you have actually burnt an ISO file rather than just copying the iso image to a CD? Can you copy/burn files in file manager within IPC or does that not work either?
    www.deepburner.com link for burning software that i use on a PC.
    I would get your software up to date and see if that helps with other issues.

    Regards C
  • Hey,

    Thanks for the reply. I have burnt the iso using deep burner, and i CAN burn cds from the console which rules the drive being broken. I tried several times to burn the disc and when i finally hit F8 to get the boot menu pop up , the CD drive was not listed as a bootable drive. So after that the only thing i could do was manually install, hog3pc, config panel, etc... but anyway, I only have the console till monday, its a rental for a week show, so if theres any deeper issues, the shop can take care of it. I am trying to investigate using hog3pc on my laptop as a backup, but i dont know how that would work, becuase if the IPC console crashes, wouldnt that render the DP's inoperable, or prevent the client computer from accessing them since the ipc is the server???

    :( i just dont want the actors in the dark haha. was a bit scary today, but i got through it. I just dont understand why the board would literally decide to restart itself without any warning.

  • Jon - double check your UPS. how old is it? was it fully charged when you experienced your console re-set? if you unplug the UPS from your power does it hold the console, or immediately turn off? if you plug a 575W s4 fixture into it, how long does it stay lit?

    as far as the .iso thing - have you tried using a different disk? have you tried burning the .iso disk with a different computer?

    peace, and good luck

    Tim O
  • Tim,
    thanks for the reply. As far as the iso goes, im kind of forgetting about it for now. the show closes on friday, so im not sure it is really worth obsessing over it at this point. The UPS is only a year old, and has always my house ETC expression console up in the past durring power outages. But there wasnt a power failure in the building at the time because nothing else in the building has any problems. I think the board has done this once or twice within the last week but i have not a clue why.
  • at this point i just want to be able to push go 300 times with out any issues, because thats all i have been doing. There are 3 masters in the show

    1-Show Master
    2- a scene acting as a submaster with one light attached
    3- A non dim acting as a submaster.
  • Hi,
    this is an unlikely one but it is possible within the Bios settings of IPC to change the boot sequence of the CD,one reason that the bios settings could have changed is if the internal battery may have been changed.
    if you have a look around the site there is a PDF document explaining the exact settings that the IPC should have, again backup all shows before any change with the BIOS,the reason i'm saying this is because you can burn CD's within file manager which is a good thing.
    As with previous poster i would re-burn a new copy of the iso just to rule out a corrupt copy or similar before going anywhere near the bios settings.

    Regards C
  • Jonathan,

    As Cormac mentioned, I would suggest checking the BIOS settings on the console. There is a document that describes how to do this and what the settings are on the www.flyingpig.com web site.

    I would also look at the files on the image CD on a PC to make sure that the image was properly expanded and you have the entire directory structure.

    Can you tell me more about the BSODs that you've been seeing? This could be indicative of a hardware problem and if you can post the error message that you're seeing, we may be able to help track down the cause.
