Read a little about other users using XKeys and decided to give it a try. I'm using Hog 3PC. First thing I programmed was 100 to run a cue list. When I hit the XKeys button, I See "List 100 Set" on the command line which doesn't exactly do what I expected. I'm not sure if it's related but I've seen something similar before when I try to name a list and certain keys seem to still be mapped to the keyboard shortcut instead of the character. Any ideas?
These may help: The stickers are bottom right of the screen. When I was looking for a custom keyboard they where kindly brought to my attenton. They where created by Scott Barnes and seriously help with using keyboard commands on H3PC.
I originally tried this on a laptop. But when I was troubleshooting on a desktop with a regular keyboard, I discovered that the regular ENTER key seemed to map to the SET command, but that the ENTER key on the number keypad worked as ENTER. Not sure what to do with the laptop keyboard other than plug in an external keyboard and try that.
I'm also not sure how to get a TAB+1 macro entered to run a master.
If I'm remembering correctly, you just need to set the switch on the right side to program mode (red light should then blink). Press the key you want to program, press the key sequence on your keyboard, press the key on the xkey module to confirm it. Once you put the switch back into program mode, it should be good. Let me know if this works.
Yeah that works and I had that much figured out. I was wondering if there was a file that could be setup in a text editor like Notepad that will gurantee I get the right codes in. Like I said, there seems to be a difference between the ENTER key on the main keyboard an the ENTER key on the numeric side. Next, iIf any body has the key codes (not just the shortcuts in the manual, but the actual binary codes) the HOG 3PC expects that would probably resolve this issue. The other issue is how to deal with TAB+1. XKeys seems to only hand ALT and CTRL as a dual key combo. That is, it correctly maps ALT+1 as {ALT+1} and incorrectly maps TAB+1 as {TAB}+{1}. Make sense?