Update from 2.6 to 3.0.5


I have a show programmed in 2.6. If I upgrade to 3.0.5 , will my show be able to load onto the 3.0.5 version without any changes?

  • The main thing you will see is that instead of two DP2000 processes running there is one DP8000 process running to process the DMX. But other than that, your show should load OK. Which console are you on?

  • HOG IPC running 2.6 . I noticed that I had problems after I updated my show on my Laptop running 3.0.5, then tried to load it back onto my console.
  • Taken from the release notes for v3.0.0...

    Compatibility Note
    Show files are forwards and backwards compatible between version 3.0 and previous software
    versions. However a show file that contains a DP8000 node will not load into previous versions.
    Users will need to remove (or convert to DP2000) any DP8000 nodes if they wish to load v3.0
    show files into previous versions of software.
    What problems did you have? Was there any USB devices connected to the iPC? External monitors? What were the network settings? Any network devices?

  • I forget the name of the error, but I do remember that the server was taking too long? So my choice was to wait for the server or cancel, I choose wait a few times, but never loaded.

    Nothing externally is connected, just the IPC package of desk and touchscreens
  • Just having a search through the 3.0.x forums... but its a big place! I am sure I have heard this issue when v3 came out. I never replyed to the thread so it isnt in my subscribed thread list. Take a look at this:


    and this:


    See if they ring any bells.

  • Ryan, I would try rebooting the iPC and loading the 2.6.0 show on 3.0.5 again. If you continue to have trouble loading your show file on 3.0.5 we would like to take a look at it and see if there is any compatability issues. As of right now there are no know compatability issues when loading 2.6.0 shows on v3.0.5.
  • The first time you load a 2.x show on a 3.x PC based platform, it will automatically convert the first two DP2000s to a single DP8000.

    If you need to load that show on 2.x again, you'll have to manually convert the DP8000 back to DP2000 using 3.x, and then re-save the show.
  • Thanks.. any easy tips on how to convert the DP's??
  • Use "Clone DP" in the patch window.
    Setup:Patch:View By DP:Clone DP

    You can move universes around in blocks for 4 universes.

    Create two new DP2000s on Net numbers you're not using (for example 11 and 12)
    Clone the 8 universes you need to them.
    Delete the DP8000.
    Create two new DP2000s on Net Numbers 1 and 2
    Clone 11 and 12 to 1 and 2.

    Your show should then load properly on 2.x.

    I may have missed a few minor steps, but this should give you the basic idea.
  • Ryan,

    You can also view this training video to see how to clone DPs...