Please, Help!

I am beginner at Road HOG and trying to build new cue from current one. Example: I want to load cue1 , make some changes and save it as next cue. At HOG 1000 I did that simple: LOAD cue 1 ENTER, made changes, RECORD cue2, ENTER. How to do that at ROAD HOG?
SECOND QUESTION : I want to record random strobe as Palette for Moving Lights like Studio Spot 575, Studio Beam etc. and use it at the real time. I have recorded Moving as cue and use fader for Intensity. But I can not to record it as BEAM Palette and I can save it as Intensity only. But at this case I can not to operate Fixture's Intensity by Fader. What I need to do?
THIRD QUESTION: I can not to record in COLOR Palette RANDOM Color change for Studio Color 575 and Studio Beam. I can record just static color and color wheel scroll only.
Please, Help me!
Sorry for my English, I hope you understood what I am talking about...-))))
Best Regards,
  • 1.if you have the cue on a fader,select the fader
    using the choose button.
    Cue 1 copy 2 enter
    2.In Hog III strobe will default as an intensity
    pallette not beam.
    3.There should be no reason you cannot
    record a random scroll.Try selecting just
    one group of lights first and recording
    your chosen look.
    Can you record any colour palletes ?
    Is guard deselected on the top right of that

  • 1. Thank you!
    2. How to change strobe function as BEAM?
    3. Yes, I can record any colors and color scroll, but can not record Random Color....

    Very Appreciated for You Help!!!
  • [QUOTE=rightlightny;46043]How to change strobe function as BEAM?

    Strobe has moved from BEAM to INTENSITY on Hog-3 as Cormac mentioned.

    [QUOTE=rightlightny;46043]Yes, I can record any colors and color scroll, but can not record Random Color....

    What steps are you using to record the palette?

    Hope this helps. :)
  • 1. So, is there no way to set up Strobe for Moving Lights as BEAM ???? But, How can I to operate it in real time ( example: I need to make strobe and after seconds open it, but the same time to have control of Intensity by fader) ???
    2. I have no problem to record in COLOR Palette RANDOM color for Studio Spots, but can not to do the same thing for Studio Colors and Studio Beams.. Looks like this effect moved from color function to an other....

    THANK YOU!!!!!!
  • Hi,
    one way of controlling strobe functions is as follows.
    Record your desired look in the intensity pallette.
    Select your fixtures and record that look onto
    a fader,select the options of that fader(softkey top left touchscreen),select options,for the master section,select fader from the drop down and change it to IPCB crossfader.
    You should have the strobe function on a fader now.
    Changing the cue fade to 0 time can help.
    There are lots of ways to achieve your resquest,
    suggest a quick glance of the manual.
    best c
  • Hi,
    Thank you so much for your answer!
    But I do not want to use this way- to record strobe at fader,because at the first: I use all faders for work and I do not have any available . Second: I have six groups of moving lights and a lot of conventional lights, I control Intensity all groups by different faders and also, at the real time example I need to use strobe effect for one of group and have an other group in strobe effect ready but closed intensity by fader etc.
    Do you know how to change strobe option for moving lights? I mean to move this option from Intensity to BEAM inside the console?
    Sorry, again for my English!!!
    Thank you!!!!
    Best Regards,
  • [QUOTE=rightlightny;46041]
    SECOND QUESTION : I want to record random strobe as Palette for Moving Lights like Studio Spot 575, Studio Beam etc. and use it at the real time. I have recorded Moving as cue and use fader for Intensity. But I can not to record it as BEAM Palette and I can save it as Intensity only. But at this case I can not to operate Fixture's Intensity by Fader. What I need to do?

    Don't record the intensity value to Intensity palette. Check in the programming preferences the Intensity parameters are separated. If you touch only the strobe parameter the intensity is not recorded in the palette. If you touch the intensity value you can remove it by using backspace + wheel before recording the palette.
  • you have to record your strobe palettes with intensity information in it.
    so first create a cue with just intensity at full for your strobes, start that
    then create your strobe palettes.
    you can also record it to the beam-palettes window:

    setup your strobe parameters (without intensity in the programmer)
    press record
    in the right touchscreen press "USE I"
    the press a palette in the beam-window
    a I will appear in the palette, telling you that in this preset ar Intensityinformations

    Also: In the cueslist-options for your Strobe-Cuelist: use HTP, then record a stack of cues with your different strobe looks. So you have direct control of the strobe-intensity and also can use the strobe pallets you created or the different looks in the cuelist