3.2. version SSD Support?


Our RoadHOG FULL BOAR takes about 8mins to reload itself which is very unusefull when you have to restart the console between change of the show (dont ask me why we are restarting the console but it is giving us night mare for few years)

so is SSD support implemented in the new version or we still have to wait for i dont know what?

All in all roadhog is great for working but it is very unstable. In fast pages changing and doing alot of cues sometimes hog forgets what you did on last page and then it's stuck somewhere so you have to restart the show.

but dont bother we are used to logging off and on again and its not a big deal anymore for us. But long rebooting IS!

best regards,

  • The Full Boar boot time should not be taking anywhere near 8 minutes under normal circumstances. I am not sure if you have timed your boot up to get that number but in the 3.2.0 software the average boot up time from button press to start screens should be around 1m 20s. One thing that should definitely cut down your boot up time is to set both your Hognet adapter and Fixture link adapter IP address settings to a static IP address. When they are set to obtain IP using DHCP the console boot time is lengthened because the OS is trying to resolve a DHCP address on boot which takes about 45s to time out (which adds 45s to boot up).

    Can you also speak more about the instabilities you mentioned? It sounds like you were experiencing issues when changing pages. Are you aware of the change page behavior options in the misc tab of the preferences panel? That might be what you were looking for in terms of "leave in background" for keeping cue lists on a previous page in playback.
  • Well we have timed the boot up and it is taking that long. We dont know what else could be the problem. Replaced the disk, memory but still the same. Maybe only the first boot is faster.
    Yeah the ip settings are set and not on DHCP so this is not the issue.

    Yeah i have leave in background on pages. And sometimes when i changing pages fast the fader stops working as dimmer or i cannot trigger on flash button.
    Then i log off and log on back again and everything is ok. Before that i allways try to release all the masters but it doesnt help.

    So what about SSD hard drive?

    Best regards
  • Technically solid state hard drives are compatible and you can easily aftermarket install one if you feel the need, but as you will see in some of our other forum discussions on this topic, solid state drives don't really add any performance to the machine and are much too costly to become a production part that we support at this time.

    What part of the console boot is taking the majority of the time? Would it be possible to shoot a video of your console booting so we can see how long it is hanging at each stage? This would help us to better understand where the desk might be hanging.
  • Well i read that XPe has problems with large quantity of small files like hog does save.

    Will try to take time and record it on next project. But off course i will first now install 3.2 too see if performance is better.

    Best regards,

  • [QUOTE=rasti;55768]
    Well i read that XPe has problems with large quantity of small files like hog does save.

    Not true. If anything it's a bit better than the full version of Windows because of some of the techniques we use to harden the OS against corruption.
  • Jernej, does your boot up time calculation include "show loading" or just booting to the start screen?
  • @bradpepe just booting to start screen

    @ericthegeek well i've read here on some topics that theres a problem with small files on SSD hard drives.
  • [QUOTE=rasti;55781]
    well i've read here on some topics that theres a problem with small files on SSD hard drives.

    That is true. Lots of small, random writes are the hardest for SSDs to handle. Because of how they work internally, the SSD has to do a lot of work to find places to put the data. This is why we recommend enterprise grade SLC drives if you're going to use one in your console.

    To be clear: This is entirely because of the way current SSDs work. It has nothing to do with XPe.

    If you want to learn about SSDs as they relate to consoles, ignore all of the Gamer and PC Enthusiast blogs. They can be very misleading. You need to look at enterprise storage and database sources.

    As an example, look at the 600 gig Intel SSD 320. In consumer applications, it's rated at 23,000 IOPS (4k random writes). That's darn fast. But, when you change to an enterprise style workload, that drops to 150*. At that point, a good magnetic drive is faster than the SSD.

    A proper enterprise drive can systain 3,300 IOPS under the same conditions**.

    A console doesn't really fit in either category, this is just an example to show how different use conditions lead to very different performance.

    *Intel document 325170-001US
  • From a different perspective, I have seen the BIOS settings not being set correctly cause a console to boot slowly. You also mention the console freezes. The slow boot and freezing together could also possibly be caused by a hardware problem, for example the processor overheating or motherboard not working properly. You may want to look at the heat sink and fan for the processor and make sure they are clean and spinning at proper speed. These are a couple of possibilities but not necessarily what you are experiencing.
    You can find a document with the BIOS settings at the link below.