The main problem of SmartFade (non-ML) - Problème principal de La SmartFade (non ML)

After two years using this console, there is actually only one real problem that hurts me: the impossibility of building a "stack" without programming memories in advance.

A "build" mode would be perfect: you create an effect, you save, and that's all.

Recording a new memory is really boring, and makes the creation of a live “stack” (during a rehearsal, for example) more complicated. It is also particularly long when using color scrollers.

If I had to retain only one improvement that would be this one.

PS: to be able to run the SmartSoft on a eeePc (1024x800px) would also be really cool and perfectly in keeping to the minimalist philosophy of this great small console ;o)


Après deux ans d’utilisation de la console, il ne reste en fait qu’un seul vrai problème qui me chagrine : l’impossibilité de construire un « stack » sans programmer des mémoires à l’avance.

Un mode « build » serait parfait : on fait un effet, on enregistre, et c’est tout.

Devoir à chaque fois enregistrer une nouvelle mémoire est vraiment fastidieux, et rend compliquée la création d’un "stack" en live (au cour d’une répétition, par exemple). C’est aussi particulièrement long  quand on utilise des scrollers de couleurs.

Si je ne devais retenir qu’une seule amélioration ça serait celle-ci.

PS : pouvoir faire tourner le SmartSoft sur un eeePc (1024x800) serait aussi vraiment cool et parfaitement adapté à la philosophie minimaliste de la console ;o)

  • Bonjour,

    you will be pleased to hear that this is precisely what is in the next version, due very soon (this summer). 

    199 pas de sequence stack directement enregistrables, syntaxe simple:



  • I am absolutely delighted, indeed!

    Thank you.


    ... hu... don't you have a beta version, I will use my console tomorrow ;o)

    [edited by: arnof at 10:31 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jun 24 2008] [edited by: arnof at 10:31 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jun 24 2008]
    and else are the ind 1 and 2 buttons they should also work in flash mode, but the main problem is the stack (he must be separate from the memoris.
    good day
  • The next version of SmartFade will offer the following changes to Independents:

    User selectable level (applies equally to all DMX address patched to the IND)
    Pre or Post Grand Master and BlackOut button
    Latch or Bump operation

    This makes it similar the the IND operation in Smartfade ML.  Additionally, in SmartFade ML the way INDs are patched will be made like the SmartFade method so that multiple DMX addresses maty be patched to each IND.

    [edited by: AdamBennette at 4:29 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 25 2008]
  • Are those changes available for other channels (selectable levels, pre or post grand master, latch or bump) ?

    I guess no, but it would be great.

  • My previous message is stupid...

    In fact, that would be usefull if it (pre or post, bump or latch) could be applied to memorie's bumps...
  • One more thing :

     Have you planned to give the possibility to save the show and patch separetely?

  • Bonjour!

    No, there is no real need for this.  Because you can load the show or the patch from any file there is no particular benefit in saving the patch alone.

  • Hi Adam,

    The reason why I think this usefull, is when you arrive in a new place to play your show :

    #1 : you reset everything (to be sure...)
    #2 : you make the patch according to your needs
    #3 : it's time to load the show...
    #4 : oups, you've overwrited the patch that you have just done, by loading the original patch that is already in the backup.

    Of course, it's not absolutely necessary, but it could be easier ;o)

    Another way could be to have the choice when you load a backup (load the show, load the patch, or load everything).


    La raison pour laquelle je pense utile de pouvoir sauver le patch et la conduite séparément, c'est que quand vous arrivez quelque part pour jouer votre spectacle :

    #1 : vous faites un reset global (pour être sûr..)
    #2 : vous faites un patch en fonction de votre plan
    #3 : c'est le moment de charger la conduite
    #4 : oups, vous venez d'écraser le patch que vous venez de faire en chargeant la conduite qui contenait déjà un patch.

    Bien sûr ça n'est pas indispensable, mais ça serait plus simple ;o).

    Un autre moyen serait de pouvoir choisir au moment de charger une sauvegarde (charger la conduite, charger le patch, ou les deux).


    [edited by: arnof at 4:08 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jun 27 2008]

  • Funny you should say that...

    As of this weekend, I find myself needing to research/shop for a gear for a full lighting system installation and, while I am looking for a "mid-range" price controller, I've automatically been dismissing SmartFade (non ML) because of past experience struggling (and failing, on two boards in two cities) to build a cue stack in anything like a practical manner. Otherwise, for functionality and price point, it's a reasonable alternative to, say, a Leviton series or anything else under around three grand. (Okay, I'm tired of Leprecon. It was cheap eats for awhile there but... Yes, yes, the Express has been a beautiful thing...)

    Anyhow, I need to be able to drive a couple dozen dimmers' hang of conventionals for theatrical and events with some basic looks and timings flexibility -- don't care about effects -- by subs or cue stack. Simple stuff... but I gotta have a GO button because sometimes hands and eyes have better things to do during performance than _run_ lights, y'know? All this in mind, I'd rather have an ETC controller... (I'm afraid of Strand already.)

    Ssso... is ETC releasing a new SmartFade (non-ML) soon that addresses this, gets past the hairpulling stack build procedure, offers a straightforward approach? If so, how soon might it be available for demo, at least? (I'm California, Bay Area.) I need to put together this install grocery list fairly soon.

    Thank you,


  • This is in work at the moment. I don't know specifically when it will become availble for beta testing, but it will be. More to follow...


    Thanks -



  • Will this "upgrade" sit on the same hardware, or is there a new version of the hardware in the works?
  • Yes, it runs on the same hardware - this is just a software upgrade.
  • Sorry if I have missed something, but will this update comes with the smartsoft?