Selador & SmartfadeML


When Selador is operated by SmartfadeML, it is only R/G/B which is controllable by HUE/SAT.
Are seven colors controllable by HUE/SAT?

Best regards,


  • Can I ask where you got a profile for your selador fixtures?  I am using the Vivid-R fixtures and I was not able to find a profile.  I ended up creating one, but did not know what to do with the other 4 colors.




  • Hi Brian,


    there is not yet a profile which alles complete Hue/Sat control of all 7 colors for the Selador fixtures in the Smartfade Library yet.

    The next software version of Smartfade ML will contain better profiles for the Selador fixtures; this software update will be available soon.

    [edited by: corey at 10:24 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Sep 19 2010] updated text to include that the current profiles don't have complete Hue/sat controls.
  • Hi Brian,


    there is not yet a profile which alles complete Hue/Sat control of all 7 colors for the Selador fixtures in the Smartfade Library yet.

    The next software version of Smartfade ML will contain better profiles for the Selador fixtures; this software update will be available soon.

    [edited by: corey at 10:24 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Sep 19 2010] updated text to include that the current profiles don't have complete Hue/sat controls.