Palletes not saving with show file for ML?!

I am currently trying to speed up my load-ins by creating a number of templates.  I am simply patching my devices (E.G. 24 generic RGB LEDS) and recording color palettes while all 24 LEDs are selected, basically RGBCMY for 2-7.  I record this show file via Smartsoft onto an appropriate SD card.  I load this show from the SD card and all the color palettes are reset to default (which by the way seem completely random and pointless since the last update).  Am I doing something wrong?!  I tried doing this with the saturation and intensity @ 100% and at 0% and neither worked, I am using the color mix wheels so that I know my red is 100% R, 0% GB.  The board and Smartsoft are all as current as available.  If this is a re-post I apologize but welcome the redirect.


Thank you

  • Can you attach an example show file?

    Are you certain that both SmartSoft and SmartFade ML are running the same firmware? (It's "DLL Version" in SmartSoft)

    Incidentally, please don't say "version is as current as available", you should always put the actual version number you're using.

    Saying 'newest' is not all that helpful for a few reasons.
    - We might have released a version or posted a beta that you didn't see yet, maybe even while you were writing the post.
    - More importantly, when somebody goes back through the history of posts (maybe one of us looking for possible bugs that need to be examined and fixed) they have to cross-check the date you posted against the dates firmware went up online - and even then they're still not sure which version you had at the time.

  • Can you attach an example show file?

    Are you certain that both SmartSoft and SmartFade ML are running the same firmware? (It's "DLL Version" in SmartSoft)

    Incidentally, please don't say "version is as current as available", you should always put the actual version number you're using.

    Saying 'newest' is not all that helpful for a few reasons.
    - We might have released a version or posted a beta that you didn't see yet, maybe even while you were writing the post.
    - More importantly, when somebody goes back through the history of posts (maybe one of us looking for possible bugs that need to be examined and fixed) they have to cross-check the date you posted against the dates firmware went up online - and even then they're still not sure which version you had at the time.

  • Yeah I should know better.  ML is, SmartSoft and DLL is, fixture library 6.6.5.  I  tried just using the board to open the show files, create the color palettes and then do a quick save on the board first, and thought quick save ignored palettes or something and then hooked up smartsoft hoping that was the issue, didn't solve it so I posted.

    Attached is one of the templates I'm trying to make.  Yesterday the color palettes for this were coming up random, not red through blue with less saturated below like it should, today it opened up with normal color palette but still won't save the changes I make so I have a solid RGBCMY.  Today I also tried saving 100% red as C13 and creating a memory of all the fixtures set to C13, saved the show and reloaded it and C13 went back to default, but the memory still exists referencing C13.  I've also tried using hue/sat to create the red and RGB with the encoder wheels and neither makes a difference.  This seems to be only with the color palettes, I went through some old shows and all of the focus palettes exist, but the color palettes are random and definitely not what they were for the show, the next post will have one of those attached.


  • Old show with randomized Color Palette.  MIGHT be from older version of software, not totally sure.
