Hi users - are you using DMX Backup mode on your SmartFade?

Hi there -

We're curious to know if this mode is being used in the field. If so, could you just drop a note here letting us know?

Thanks much -


Parents Reply Children
  • I've been using a SF for a few years as a back up however I connect it between the main console and first dmx run; dmx out of main console into SF then out of SF to conventionals.  Of course since it's not a ML console I only use it for conventionals.  I program in some basics and have it handy in case ........ well you know.  I didn't know it can be set up as a back up as well.

    Actually up until the use of the ION I used it strictly for conventionals and effects and used my other console for movers; running two consoles at the same time but now it's just there as a conventional back up.
