Unable to Patch in Smartfade Simulator v3

No doubt I am doing something wrong. On the Smartsoft simulator Patch tab, I drag outputs from the lower part of the screen to the upper part (on channel 1).  When I hover over CH 1, it lists the outputs I had dropped on it.  However, when I activate the control surface and move slider 1, I don't see the lights I patched follow the fader.  Rather, I only see light #1 active.  Then, after I save the show and examine the text file, the table of patches doesn't reflect what I did on the Patch tab

So I am lost. Smart fade uses the term output and DMX cell while the Smartfade uses Channel and Dimmer.

Is it possible to create patches in the simulator? Any ideas what I am doing wrong? TIA

  • Hi,

    Patching should work the way you describe it.

    Are you doing this with the console attached? If so, have you tried the same thing with SmartSoft running with the console disconnected? Does this make any difference?


  • I am doing it without a console attached.   I am using the Mac version on OS X 10.6.8.  Thank you for the help.

    I repeated the steps and created a screen shot

    I note that it shows the results of un-patching CH1 (Output cell 1 is un-highlighted), After dragging Output cells 77, 90 and 92 onto CH1, those channels slightly change to a darker color but those output cells are not unhighlighted as Output cell 1 is from the un-patch.  I would have expected them to show un-patched as output 1 does.  Hovering over CH1 shows 77, 90, and 92 are patched.



  • Also, after quitting and saving changes, then opening the file (not the program), the patching that I previously did was not save.  It's back to the default 1:1 mode. 

  • Which software version do you have? (It is displayed on the page with the settings and the file commands.)

  • I am using SmartSoft version, DLL version

  • Hello,

    I have just tried this on a PC with the exact same version.  No console connected.  I cleared the patch completely (using the simulator > select Patch - Other > Erase patch) and then patched a few lights to addresses.  Specifically I patched DMX1 > CH1, DMX2 > CH25, DMX3 > CH49, DMX4 > Ch73.  I saved this with the name patch test.asc.  Loading it works on my PC.

    I have attached that test file here.  Could you please try to load it and tell me what you find.



    patch test.asc
  • No I can't, There is no Patch-Other>Erase Patch on my simulator.  On the patch tab, there are no DMX1. 

    I have however found the problem.  The only file the simulator can save to or load from is the SHOW01.ASC file in the SmartSoft folder where the application is.  If I use the simulator wheel and do a SaveShow, that file has my updated patches.  If I close SmartSoft, it prompts to save the changes and lets you specify a file on your hard disk. THere is however no way to load the file.  The only file that can be loaded is SHOW01.ASC in the Applications folder.  Telling the Mac OS to always open one of the SmartSoft files with SmartSoft successfully launches the application but it does not load the show. It's a blank show at that point.

  • No I can't, There is no Patch-Other>Erase Patch on my simulator.  On the patch tab, there are no DMX1. 

    I have however found the problem.  The only file the simulator can save to or load from is the SHOW01.ASC file in the SmartSoft folder where the application is.  If I use the simulator wheel and do a SaveShow, that file has my updated patches.  If I close SmartSoft, it prompts to save the changes and lets you specify a file on your hard disk. THere is however no way to load the file.  The only file that can be loaded is SHOW01.ASC in the Applications folder.  Telling the Mac OS to always open one of the SmartSoft files with SmartSoft successfully launches the application but it does not load the show. It's a blank show at that point.

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