#lighthack & Mac OS X?

Hi Everyone,


I'm new to the Arduino scene and eager to learn.  I've been on the EOS platform for several years.  

I'm wondering what it would take to get the #lighthack to work with Mac OS X?  

I'm happy to learn and figure things out if I know what direction to start my search in. I'm also happy to share what I come up with.  


Thanks much in advance for your assistance!


Parents Reply
  • Sure, I totally understand you can't pre-announce when software will be released with any certainty.

    It would however, for features as major as this, be useful to have some indication as to whether we should hope for the next release in a month, 6 months, a year.

    I don't think anyone in the community is going to hold you to a date if a product needs a little more testing, but when the update cycle is so sporadic, "the next version" could literally mean anything.

    I guess I should start installing BootCamp then ...