Coarse / Fine

Box, put together and working great but; Rotating the encoders produces very little movement. Holding down the 'Fine" button can be seen to move the 2nd place decimal places but overall it's hard to put the lights where we want them. Is there a line in the Scratch code we can change to increase the Pan / Tilt excursions? I'I' More movement per rotation of wheel?

Parents Reply
  • Oh! When I 1st used it I thought there was a difference. The usual was racking up the integers while the fine seemed to be going more for the decimals but I may have imagined that. Seems a littel odd the button is there if there is no "divider" action when the button is pressed. Perhaps someone familiar with the Sketch could come up with the code you mentioned. Bottom line though I can really move those MH's now with the wheels. 
