I've got some borrowed Source Four LED Lustr+ ellipsoidals with 36° EDLTs, just opened up the boxes to set them up. One, so far, has a wicked flicker that didn't show up immediately: perhaps only 30 minutes into burning it. Using Quick Setup 'Stage': testing the fixture on Cobalt on Congo with Device Template "S4 LED Lustr+ HSI Strobe." Seems to program fine; is my configuration mismatched? Absent that I'm assuming it's an issue with the unit itself.
Planning to call tech support Monday anyway, but if anyone's seen this I'd love to hear where to start. Totally unfamiliar fixture for me, looking forward to playing with it.
*Edited to add--after a closer look at my device template, I suspect that missing 2 channels including the fan control probably has something to do with this. Sneaking suspicion.
[edited by: Anne S at 9:30 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Feb 15 2014]