ColorSource Par DMX address clearing?

Just got some great ColorSource Par's installed in our theatre and after installing them I've had two different Par's lose their DMX address. One of them is in a hard to reach place but the other was easily accessible. It had reset the DMX address back to zero or whatever the default is out of the box.

Currently I've got power turning on to them from a parked dimmer (thats been turned non dim in the dimmer rack) that switches on when I turn the light board on.

Any ideas?

  • Elrond,

    I have a couple questions for you.

    Can you tell me what version of code is in your fixtures?

    Does this happen after a power cycle?

    How is data sent to the fixtures? Specifically. Console, console type/data type and path wiring/ termination present, is rdm enabled, is it just the DMX address that is lost?

    These will help us try and repeoduce any issues you might be seeing.

  • I'm not sure what code version they are running. Is there way to check that? I do have serial numbers if those help? S/N 473001610 and P/N 7412A1005. We got them about thirty days ago also if you can figure out what was installed on them at the factory. The past week was the first chance we've had to install them so I hadn't had the chance to notice any issues before then.

    It does seem to be after a power cycle. They worked fine for sure after initial install. I only noticed the problem a day or two after that. They probably had been turned off and on twice between first time up and when I noticed.

    Element console 60 - 500. DMX wiring. Right now it's just going through a plain DMX isolated splitter - Doug Fleenor design. I don't currently have DMX terminators present. One of the lights is the second in a six instrument DMX chain and the other one is the fifth in a six instrument chain.

    Face Panel Board firmware version: 1.1.90 build 6
    I/O Board Firmware Version

    No to RDM. Not that fancy here yet.

    It is just the DMX address on the light that clears. When I put the address back the light comes back on without any problems and seems to match all the other colorsource's without any differences.

    Need any other info or clarification?
  • Elrond,

    When the fixture powers on it should display the code version as a 3 digit number such as 1.0.0 or 1.0.1.

    So this seems to be after having them on for awhile, then turned off overnight type of situation?

    This is very helpful info so far!

  • 1.0.1
    And yes. I was using them during the day for approximately six hours after they all got installed. The next day I turned them for only a hour and then had other things to work on and they were turned off then. I can't say I noticed anything wrong then when I was using them right then as I wasn't paying that close attention. Third day in use is when I noticed the issues.
  • Another update. We've stuck to leaving the light board on and the non dim channels parked on. I had to power down our dimmer system today to double check another dimmer circuit. Afterwards I realized in that brief power down one of the same lights that had cleared it's DMX address before had another issue. It appears that this time the address didn't completely clear but had stepped down a number. It had been set to 215 and when I reached it it had adjusted itself to 214.
  • Hello,

    Have you power cycled the fixture since the address changed from 215 to 214? If so, what was the start address after the power cycle?


  • I am having the same issue with the CSPars. We purchased 24 recently, running 1.0.1, and we also have the Element 60 - 500.
    It has yet to happen with more than two or three fixtures at a time and I don't think any have reset to 001 but the address stepping down 1 is very common and I think they occasionally seem to copy another CSPar's address but that may just be a mistake when I set them.
    We are, unfortunately, powering our fixtures from extension cords to regular wall power outlets.
    This does only seem to occur after a power cycle but it is not every time nor is it the same fixtures.
  • Can you send us a copy of your show file, and any pertinent addressing of your fixtures? we'd also like to know of the data path , i.e. are you using straight DMX runs, or are you going through any splitters, networking infrastructure and such.
  • Greg,

    We are using Net3 Gateways.
    I just updated the Element to v2. from v2. this morning and I have not encountered the issue after cycling the CSPars a few times but it was an intermittent occurrence.
    All 24 are addressed in order from 513.
    If it happens again I will send you the show file.
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