color crossfade and black out issues, Source 4 lustr S2

I have recently started working with  etc LED spotlights.

While the color source PAR crossfade from one color to another as I expected, the source 4 lustr series 2 behave strange.

Changing from no color to Lee 201 goes over a red phase (like Lee 209). 

Changing back to no color produces the same effect.

If instead of using color, I change the white Spot temperature, the Xfade is without red phase, as I would want it

I have patched the S4  as S4 LED S2,  HSCI Str on a etc element console.

Second issue:

If I do a Fade Out with 0.5 sec. the S4 lags behind in dimming (sort of 2 phase Fade Out) not blending well with dimmers and color source PARs.

Can somebody help?
