Matching Selador to Lee and Rosco Gels

Is there a cheat sheet that would show you the values from the Selador to match a certain gel color?

I know it is in the in the newer consoles but there are the one offs where I still use an express or smaller 2 scene preset.


  • While the iphone app and console color pickers exist, For me they have never been anywhere near a "gel match". I use the provided values to get me as close as I can then adjust (often drastically) if i'm trying to emulate an actual gel.

    I don't really see mention of this around the forums, so I wanted to voice my opinion.



  • While the iphone app and console color pickers exist, For me they have never been anywhere near a "gel match". I use the provided values to get me as close as I can then adjust (often drastically) if i'm trying to emulate an actual gel.

    I don't really see mention of this around the forums, so I wanted to voice my opinion.



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