Matching Selador to Lee and Rosco Gels

Is there a cheat sheet that would show you the values from the Selador to match a certain gel color?

I know it is in the in the newer consoles but there are the one offs where I still use an express or smaller 2 scene preset.


  • This would be a great idea for an iPhone/smartphone app... hint, hint...



  • tdrga said:
    This would be a great idea for an iPhone/smartphone app... hint, hint...



  • In the past, I have used the Eos offline software to make a cheat sheet for CMY values for moving lights.  I have a library of some of my favorite colors.

  • I would think Congo offline software would effectively do this by assigning a Selador template and then using the "gel picker" option... I think Eos/Ion has this as well though I've not used it there. Not to devalue the requests for smartphone apps, as of course this is a rather unweildy method of getting a gel selector.

  • I want to echo mrsteakum's wish for a cheat sheet as I usually use a console with no Selador data.


    Also, I'd like a Selador Vivid fixture file for a grandMA console.  Any suggestions?



  • Were there plans to update the congo profiles for selador? As of the current software release, mine still doesnt know how to interpret the 7 color mixing into values. Its ignoring the indigo red-orange and amber leds. Just curious, since the ION profiles seem so far ahead of the game. I'd like to use my congo color picker as well.


  • Hi there -

    To be clear, you're talking about the circular color picker and not the gel picker, right? Congo's color picker is a simpler version than the Eos/Ion version and can only operate on three-color systems. The Gel Picker, however, works with the Seledor 7 color system and is what we recommend when using Selador with Congo.

    Having said that, in Congo v6.1 software, expected later this year, we are implementing the Eos color picker completely, including Selador support and use of the calibrated color information available to us in the Extended Library, along with a few other things. So, until then, I recommend using the Gel Picker tab (Browser>Devices>Gel Picker), or the Gels content in the Direct Selects for direct entry of gel numbers (set the DS Type to Gels, which will display 10 manufacturer names, then type # and press the Manufacturer of that gel number to apply it to selected color-mixing fixtures.)

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks much -


  • Any Chance we might see a Android or Blackberry version of this?

  • Just to let you know, I am currently working on an improved GrandMA profile for the Selador Vivid - yes there is already a profile available over on MA-Share (search for it, it's not in the ETC manufacturer section)




    P.S. The profile incorrectly identifies one of the LED colors as LtBlue when it is actually Violet, other than that it works great, use the color picker, or color mix and LED attributes to set values. Some channels work inverted - switch from CMY to RGB


    P.P.S. I will post here as soon as I work out how to get the gel picker data into the profile!

  • While the iphone app and console color pickers exist, For me they have never been anywhere near a "gel match". I use the provided values to get me as close as I can then adjust (often drastically) if i'm trying to emulate an actual gel.

    I don't really see mention of this around the forums, so I wanted to voice my opinion.


