Greetings folks,
I am having a minor issue here. If you look back at some of my other post there is a complex set of issues we are trying to suss out... which for the most part, is working well... Right now, we are trying to go back to basics to get just one client PC to talk to our Ion.
Ion Settings -
IP address -
Subnet Mask -
Defaut Gateway -
Client PC IP -
IP Address -
Subnet Mask -
Default Gateway -
The PC can ping the dimmer racks, the console, switches, etc.... So we know the network is talking.
The console can ping, the PC, Racks, switches, etc.
ACN control of the dimmers works.
iRFR, aRFR work just fine. We have disabled wireless for purposes of this project as in my last dicussion we found that WiFi can make somethings go wonky on us..
Is there a little setting I am missing somewhere to enable the client on a PC to connect?
Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.