Congo Networking - Backup synchronization

Hi All,

I have a question about Congo Networking - Server, Backup. I think after Server crash Backup do not takes control from the moment of server crash. I need to use such installation for Theatre and work only with GO button to playback presets in sequences.

What I did:
1. Connected both Congos: Server + Backup

2. Send Play to backup ( * then only DMX Output 1 was FULL)

3. Then on server do few times 'GO' to playback some presets in sequence

4. Disconnect Server - I mean disconnected LAN cable from network

5. Backup changed to Server, but no DMX levels on output - there should be values from Server crash but is nothing.

6. I pressed refresh on Backup, there are levels, but these which were when send play to backup from Server (*), not from the moment I disconnected the Server.

7. If I pressed Go it started to playback the preset number that was in the sequence while I sent the play (not this from Server crash).

How to make Backup will continue the Server from the last moment of server working or some walk around.

Congo (Serwer) + Congo jr (Backup) connected with 2 Ethernet cables to Switch, Ethernet cable from switch to Net3 Gate, from Gate DMX out

Please help how to make it work right.


Parents Reply
  • Wait wait its fixed but im not sure how it happened.

    What I did is the following:

    I went into the dock area setup and put my masters at the top of the screen so i can view them there.

    Then it worked, the backup reacted to the submaster on the server.

    I then removed the masterview dock and it still works, i can now see the channel intensities go up in the live tab of the backup.


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