Congo Networking - Backup synchronization

Hi All,

I have a question about Congo Networking - Server, Backup. I think after Server crash Backup do not takes control from the moment of server crash. I need to use such installation for Theatre and work only with GO button to playback presets in sequences.

What I did:
1. Connected both Congos: Server + Backup

2. Send Play to backup ( * then only DMX Output 1 was FULL)

3. Then on server do few times 'GO' to playback some presets in sequence

4. Disconnect Server - I mean disconnected LAN cable from network

5. Backup changed to Server, but no DMX levels on output - there should be values from Server crash but is nothing.

6. I pressed refresh on Backup, there are levels, but these which were when send play to backup from Server (*), not from the moment I disconnected the Server.

7. If I pressed Go it started to playback the preset number that was in the sequence while I sent the play (not this from Server crash).

How to make Backup will continue the Server from the last moment of server working or some walk around.

Congo (Serwer) + Congo jr (Backup) connected with 2 Ethernet cables to Switch, Ethernet cable from switch to Net3 Gate, from Gate DMX out

Please help how to make it work right.


Parents Reply
  • One additional remark: Please note that the Backup Sync mode only sends high-level sync commands to the backup. It will synchornize changes to masters and playbacks with the backup, but not each individual button press or level change.

    This is for security reasons. In case there is a specific action on the server that cause a problem (or even a crash), it shouldn't affect the backup.

    So if you select channels or set levels manually on the server, this won't be mimiced on the backup. However, if you play back recorded data through the crossfade or masters, these actions will be executed on the backup in parallel.
