RTC do sometimes not trigger.

Ok I have a Nomad laptop doing some automations on RTC commands. Eos 3.0

I have 2 events doing the same thing but at different times.

1/ is taking sub 1 up to full at 14:15 and out at 15:00 mon,fri,sat,sun. Worked fine on Monday. 

2/ is doing the same but on at 17:45 and out at 18:30 tue,fri,sat,sun. that did not execute on the Tuesday.

And then I have Event 3/ that move two fades up each day at 14:00 and down at 23:00. The first part at 14:00 worked but not at 23:00.

Looking in the Tab99 I see at 23:00 that the desk did run the macros to bring down the subs and then tried to run event 2/1 and got a syntax error. The subs was still up this morning and 2/1 is not scheduled to that time.

Things that have changed between 14:00 and 17:45 (When it worked and not worked) I had a Gio as client connected when Event 3/1 and 3/2 executed, later taken off line. I did program a MS with enable and disable buttons for the Events (In the future the events should execute from UDP not RTC) I tested them a few times, but all events that was supposed to work was Enabled this morning.

What is wrong?

The file and logs are attached. 

Sal pars 2020-09-02 10-56-39.esf3dETC_Logs_ETCnomad_Primary_09022020_105657.zip

  • a long time ago it happened to me that i had a RTC macro that was running in standard mode on the primary, which resulted in the macro running in foreground mode. at that time the macro couldn't fire when the console was locked (shift+escape). could this be what happened for you? don't know if this changed in the meantime or not.

  • The laptop is never locked or in sleep mode.

    The wierd part is that looking in Tab99 it say at

    23:00:00:001 Firing Macro 22

    23:00:00:002 Queing Macro 32

    23:00:00:025 Firing Macro 32

    The event that is supposed to do this is 3/3 and 3/4. I can't see them in tab99 but after that the weird part comes:

    23:00:00:026 Syntax: Event 2/1 Sub 1+2>>@ - Error: Syntax Error

    23:00:00:027 Syntax: Event 2/1 Sub 1+2+3>>@ - Error: Syntax Error

    Event 2/1 was scheduled at 17:45 but did a error at 23:00

    Macro 22 and 32 shuld bring down sub 2 and 3... but did not do it. But runing the macro it self with [Macro] 32 and [Macro] 22 do take them to zero.

    Also this that the Macro fires before the event, but the trigger is the event. Or, the macro fires before the wrong event... But the event that fires it do not show up in tab 99 and the macro do not do what it is supposed to do.

  • it looks like you were in the show control tab when the event was fired at 23:00?

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