RTC do sometimes not trigger.

Ok I have a Nomad laptop doing some automations on RTC commands. Eos 3.0

I have 2 events doing the same thing but at different times.

1/ is taking sub 1 up to full at 14:15 and out at 15:00 mon,fri,sat,sun. Worked fine on Monday. 

2/ is doing the same but on at 17:45 and out at 18:30 tue,fri,sat,sun. that did not execute on the Tuesday.

And then I have Event 3/ that move two fades up each day at 14:00 and down at 23:00. The first part at 14:00 worked but not at 23:00.

Looking in the Tab99 I see at 23:00 that the desk did run the macros to bring down the subs and then tried to run event 2/1 and got a syntax error. The subs was still up this morning and 2/1 is not scheduled to that time.

Things that have changed between 14:00 and 17:45 (When it worked and not worked) I had a Gio as client connected when Event 3/1 and 3/2 executed, later taken off line. I did program a MS with enable and disable buttons for the Events (In the future the events should execute from UDP not RTC) I tested them a few times, but all events that was supposed to work was Enabled this morning.

What is wrong?

The file and logs are attached. 

Sal pars 2020-09-02 10-56-39.esf3dETC_Logs_ETCnomad_Primary_09022020_105657.zip

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