How to trigger by osc "scenes" on ableton live from eos nomad?

I want to trigger the sound cues on ableton live with the lightdesk (etc nomad ion surface). I think the setup is correct but it doesn't work. Sb have experience with the combination of eos and ableton live?

Thanks for the help in advance!



Subnetmask of both Computers:

Static Ip adress of eos computer:

Ip adress of ableton computer:

Port of Ableton


Osc UDP TX Port


Command on eos:

Cue 2.6 Execute String /launch/scene "2"

  • I tried getting that type of thing working myself a while ago and was never successful. I was never able to get Eos to output arbitrary OSC strings for Qlab. At the time I did not have wireshark, but I spent an entire evening on it with no luck. All I ever got was either no result whatsoever or syntax errors. 

     I have never once in my entire life gotten a single OSC message using the "=" to work as expected with Eos. All the documentation on that appears to be patently false (so every single page of the OSC documentation is flat out wrong). Eos uses a space " " to separate incoming address and argument, not "=". Yes, I know I'm directly contradicting the documentation. The documentation is wrong. Try it yourself. The space " " works and "=" does not. Maybe there's a really specific scenario where the "=" does in fact work, but it most certainly is not reliable in any regard. The space " " works 100% of the time.

  • The Eos manual states at the beginning of the OSC chapter:


    OSC arguments are additional data for a command that can be appended to the string
    following the method.

    Eos uses the = character in OSC strings to separate the method from any subsequent
    arguments. Third-party OSC software often requires a different character, and may not
    be able to interpret incoming strings that use =. Consult the documentation for your
    OSC software to determine the appropriate character to append arguments.

    And that's exactly how it behaves. When sending OSC from Eos you use a = to separate the address from the argument. What other software uses to signify that separation is not in the realm of Eos or its documentation.

  • The Eos manual states at the beginning of the OSC chapter:


    OSC arguments are additional data for a command that can be appended to the string
    following the method.

    Eos uses the = character in OSC strings to separate the method from any subsequent
    arguments. Third-party OSC software often requires a different character, and may not
    be able to interpret incoming strings that use =. Consult the documentation for your
    OSC software to determine the appropriate character to append arguments.

    And that's exactly how it behaves. When sending OSC from Eos you use a = to separate the address from the argument. What other software uses to signify that separation is not in the realm of Eos or its documentation.
