Element Win xp or 7?

I think I read somewhere in the forums that the way to tell if a console is running Windows 7 is if it has two network ports. Not sure if I am remembering that correctly but my church has 3 Element consoles, one pretty recently purchased. I'm pretty sure the two are older with XP however the new one only has one network port but it does have newer version video and usb outputs.

So how to tell plz? :-)

  • If you want to check you can actually get to windows reasonably easily by going into the shell settings and then press the folder icon button next to the show archive path, you should end up in windows explorer and then it will be obvious if you are windows XP or 7. Obviously don't mess with anything once you are there, although that's an easier way of tidying up a mess of old show files and folders etc than through the console browse.
  • If you want to check you can actually get to windows reasonably easily by going into the shell settings and then press the folder icon button next to the show archive path, you should end up in windows explorer and then it will be obvious if you are windows XP or 7. Obviously don't mess with anything once you are there, although that's an easier way of tidying up a mess of old show files and folders etc than through the console browse.