Element Win xp or 7?

I think I read somewhere in the forums that the way to tell if a console is running Windows 7 is if it has two network ports. Not sure if I am remembering that correctly but my church has 3 Element consoles, one pretty recently purchased. I'm pretty sure the two are older with XP however the new one only has one network port but it does have newer version video and usb outputs.

So how to tell plz? :-)

Parents Reply
  • Ok so finally got back to the console in question and yes it does have the two ports. Didn't see cuz it had the black blank plug in it. My bad.
    However still wondering, do they have to modify the chassis's on the Elements and ION's to accommodate the new stuff? My church has two Elements that definitely need upgrade especially since one is Win7 now and I am waiting to get price for my old ION to decide to switch to XE or not.