Element Win xp or 7?

I think I read somewhere in the forums that the way to tell if a console is running Windows 7 is if it has two network ports. Not sure if I am remembering that correctly but my church has 3 Element consoles, one pretty recently purchased. I'm pretty sure the two are older with XP however the new one only has one network port but it does have newer version video and usb outputs.

So how to tell plz? :-)

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for this info. I think my question has been misinterpreted and you sort of answered it. My church has two XP Elements and I have an XP ION so if Windows 7 has two network ports and the monitors are different then I would think the back panel would have to change. I am guessing it is a separate piece from the actual chassis and they don't have to do knock out modifications to the case.
    The Elements definitely have to be done but I don't know if my ION is worth it or not. I can't seem to get an answer as to the cost factor so I can make that call. Still waiting to hear from my rep. who is still waiting to hear from ETC.