FP1 Titan Tube DIM CCT GM CRO RGB S 1 Pixel Profile CCT Problem

Running ION XE with an updated fixture library. The light my titans and helios are outputting meters different than what the board claims it to be. For example, 3200k is in actuality 4000k. Do I need to edit the profile myself? Hardware and software is all up to date.

Many thanks!

Parents Reply
  • yes, that's expected behavior. the color swatch comes from the color mixing system (RGB+/CMY/HS) of the highest-numbered channel that has data in the palette.

    you can fake the color swatch: patch a dummy channel with type RGB at the end of your patch. for me it's always channel 10000. if it has data in the palette the color swatch will show this channel's color. now jyou can mix what color the swatch should display.
